Multimedia Presentation Rubric—Elementary





Content: Purpose




My presentation has a purpose or theme. All the parts of my presentation say something meaningful about the purpose or theme.

My presentation has a topic. All the parts of my presentation say something important about the topic.

My presentation has a topic. Most parts of my presentation say something important about the topic.

My presentation’s topic is unclear. Many parts of my presentation seem off topic.

Content: Conclusions




I use my background knowledge to interpret my research information and draw meaningful conclusions.

I draw reasonable conclusions from my research.

With help, I draw conclusions from my research.

I rarely draw conclusions from my research.

Content: Key Points




My presentation combines my research and the conclusions I have drawn into a few concise, important points.

My presentation describes the main ideas of my research and the conclusions I have drawn in a few points.

I try to describe the main ideas of my research in a few points, but my presentation may be too wordy or missing information.

My presentation is too wordy or missing important information.

Content: Supporting Information




I include appropriate, meaningful findings from credible research that support and explain my main points.

I include appropriate findings from research to support and explain my main points.

I try to include findings from research to support and explain my main points, but some information is incomplete or inaccurate.

I do not include enough information to support and explain my main points.

Multimedia Features




I use graphics, video, sound, and other multimedia features effectively to support my key points and make my presentation more meaningful. I follow all copyright laws when I use multimedia features.

I use graphics, video, sound, and other multimedia features to support my key points. I follow copyright laws when I use multimedia features.

I use graphics, video, sound, and other multimedia features, but sometimes they distract from the meaning. I usually follow copyright laws when I use multimedia features.

I do not use the features of multimedia presentations, or the features that I use are distracting. I often do not follow copyright laws when I use multimedia features.





My presentation includes unusual and surprising features and components that excite my audience about my topic and add to the meaning.

My presentation includes some unusual and surprising features that interest my audience and relate to the meaning.

I try to include unusual and surprising features, but they do not add to the meaning of my presentation.

My presentation includes no unusual or surprising features, or the features I add detract from the meaning.





My presentation begins with a slide that introduces the theme in an interesting way, builds information in a logical way, and ends with a slide that leaves the audience with an interesting idea about the theme to think about.

My presentation begins with a slide that introduces the theme, builds information, and ends with a concluding slide.

My presentation is missing a clear introduction or conclusion, and information may be presented in an illogical way.

My presentation is missing an introduction, a conclusion, and a sense of order.

Oral Presentation




I am prepared and have rehearsed my presentation. I speak clearly and smoothly in an engaging way.

I am prepared and have rehearsed my presentation. I speak clearly.

I am somewhat prepared, but I should have spent more time rehearsing. I deliver a presentation but I sometimes forget what I am doing or lose the audience’s attention.

I am not at all prepared. I have not rehearsed my presentation. I often forget what I am doing and lose the audience’s attention.





My presentation contains no spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors.

My presentation contains no spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors that take away from the meaning.

My presentation contains a few spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors that take away from the meaning.

My presentation contains so many spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and language errors that it is difficult to understand.

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