Critical Thinking Evaluation Rubric —Elementary






Supporting Opinions

I clearly state my opinion.


I thoroughly describe several reasons to support my opinion.

I state my opinion.


I give some reasons to support my opinion.

My opinion is vague.


I do not give very many reasons to support my opinion.

I do not give a clear opinion.


My reasons often do not make sense.

Using Sources

I get information from more than one good source before I make up my mind.

I get information from at least one good source before I make up my mind.

The information I use to form my opinion may not come from good sources.

The information I use to form my opinion comes from questionable sources.

Responding to Arguments

I can tell if someone is trying to get me to do something without giving me good reasons.

I can usually tell if someone is trying to get me to do something without giving me good reasons.

With help, I can tell if someone is trying to get me to do something without giving me good reasons.

I hardly ever wonder if people have good reasons for what they are trying to get me to do.

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