Problem Solving Rubric—Elementary






Anticipating Problems

I think ahead about problems I might have. I think of ways to avoid problems.

I usually think ahead about problems I might have. I try to think of ways to avoid problems.

With help, I can tell what problems I might have. I sometimes try to think of ways to avoid problems.

I have a hard time knowing what problems I might have. I do not think of ways to avoid problems.

Analyzing Problems

I take a lot of time to think about a problem before I try to solve it. I use problem solving tools when I solve problems, even outside of school.

I think about a problem before I start solving it.

If someone reminds me, I think about a problem before I solve it.

I usually just start solving a problem without thinking about it.

Using Strategies

I know several strategies for solving problems, such as making models and diagrams. I can choose a good strategy.

I use some of the strategies I learned to solve problems.

If someone reminds me, I use a strategy I learned to solve problems. I usually try to solve problems using trial and error. I usually need help thinking of a strategy.

I do not use the strategies I learned to solve problems.

Finding Information

When I have a problem, I can separate the important information from the unimportant information.  I know when I need more information to solve a problem, and I have several strategies to find what I need.

I can tell the difference between important and unimportant information when I solve a problem.  I get more information when I need it.

I sometimes get confused about what information is important when I solve a problem. If someone helps me, I get more information when I need it.

I often focus on unimportant information when I solve a problem. I rarely know when I need to get more information.

Dealing with Uncertainty

I like working on problems without simple answers.

I can work on problems without simple answers.

With help, I can work on problems without simple answers, but I sometimes get frustrated and do not want to continue.

I often get frustrated and refuse to work on problems without simple answers.

Reflecting on Processes

I reflect on how I worked on a problem, and I learn from my failures and my successes. I use what I learn in future problems.



I reflect on how I worked on a problem. I usually use what I learn in future problems.

With guidance, I reflect on my problem solving processes. I sometimes make the same mistakes twice.

I rarely reflect on my problem solving processes. I often make the same kinds of mistakes over and over.

Communicating Solutions

I thoroughly describe my solution to a problem and thoroughly explain how I solved a problem.

I describe my solution to a problem and can explain how I solved it.

I try to describe my solution to a problem and partly explain how I solved it.

I cannot describe my solution to the problem, and I cannot explain what I did when I tried to solve it.

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