Character Education Lesson 10 of 10

Character Education Lesson 10 of 10

Grade Level:5 and 6

Subject: A Wrap-up Discussion about our 8 Character Traits

Duration: 30 minutes

DOK Level: 4

SAMR Level: Redefinition

Indiana Standard:

Counseling Competencies: Social/Emotional Development

Competency 1: Students will acquire and further develop the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Competency 2: Students develop personal management and collaborative skills needed to become successful learners, responsible citizens, and productive workers.

Competency 3: Students will understand personal safety skills.


  1. Students will be able to think about the 8 character traits just studied and apply them to their own life (personally, family, friends).
  2. Students will be able to reflect upon how they are doing with the character traits- specifically thinking about their own area strength and weakness.
  3. Students will be able to reflect upon how they will improve in an area and how they will measure this success.
  4. Students will be able to think about how others view their character or lack of character.


  1. The teacher will lead a class discussion using the document titled Wrap-up Discussion. The teacher should be prepared to give some personal stories (either current ones or ones when she was this age) in order to get conversation started.
  2. At some point, it is important to have each student answer the question at hand. Otherwise the same students will participate while others are silent the entire time.
  3. Personally speaking, I will ask that students write me some sort of response. This response may be a short response to each question, or a paragraph for one of the questions.

Product or Assessment: class discussion

                                            Maybe a written response of some type


Students may be apprehensive about the class discussion. Writing first and then sharing is always an option. They could write a couple of “answers” and then you could allow them to pick one of the items to share.


  1. Have students list each classmate’s name on top of a Post It note. Instruct them to think of a story for each classmate that exemplifies one of the 8 traits. Assign a due date. Have students turn the Post It notes in so that one pile will exist for each student. Starting in alphabetical order, you can now honor one student a day by starting the day off with the reading of the Post It note pile! As you read the notes stick them to a bulletin board (or area) with a photograph of that student. If there is space in your room or hallway, leave the photos and notes up as a brag wall for your entire class.  
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