Adult Roles and Responsibilities: Introduction to One's First Vehicle Purchase
Adult Roles and Responsibilities: Introduction to Purchasing a Vehicle
Grade Level: 10th -12th
Subject: Adult Roles and Responsibilities
Duration: 1 (50 minute period)
DOK Level: 3
SAMR Level: 3
Indiana Standards:
ARR-1.4 Apply management, decision-making, and problem solving processes to accomplish
tasks and fulfill responsibilities
ARR-2.2 Determine personal standards and their effects on life choices
ARR-4.1 Demonstrate processes used to set standards, make choices, and satisfy needs and
wants in areas such as nutrition, wellness, clothing, housing, and transportation
ARR-4.2 Demonstrate skills in seeking consumer information, taking consumer responsibility,
and exercising consumer rights
ARR-5.1 Demonstrate taking responsibility for personal financial decisions
ARR-7.3 Analyze services of financial institutions
ARR-7.4 Apply consumer skills to purchase decisions
Students will review the Consumer Report guide for purchasing one’s first vehicle, articulate and support their own guidelines for vehicle purchase, and finally select three vehicles based on those guidelines.
Essential Question:
What considerations must be identified and utilized for the purchase of one’s first vehicle?
How does one balance the choice between “what vehicle I want” and “what makes sense according to my purchasing guidelines”?
1, Students will read the Consumer Report article on first vehicle purchase and take notes using the Evernote App:
2. Students will submit a paragraph detailing their personal guidelines for a vehicle purchase and support those guidelines with a rationale.
3. Students will select three potential vehicle purchases and support those purchases based on their previously stated personal guidelines. Recommended vehicle purchasing resources:
Product or Assessment:
- Paragraph detailing student’s own personal guidelines for a vehicle purchase
- Three potential vehicle purchase examples and written support of how these purchases meet their personal guidelines.
Student assignment could be reduced to one example of a vehicle purchase that meets their personal guidelines. Information could be shared verbally instead of in written form.
Student could meet with a local vehicle salesperson to review their selection guidelines and sample purchases for confirmation.