Adult Roles and Responsibilities: Understanding and Calculating Vehicle Loans

Adult Roles and Responsibilities:  Understanding and Calculating Vehicle Loans

Grade Level: 10th-12th

Subject: Adult Roles and Responsibilities

Duration: 1 (50 minute period)

DOK Level: 2

SAMR Level: 2

Indiana Standards:

ARR-7.3 Analyze services of financial institutions

ARR-7.4 Apply consumer skills to purchase decisions


Students will be able to calculate the monthly and total costs of a 48 and 60 month vehicle loan and provide a rationale as to which loan they would select based on particular circumstances.

Essential Questions:

What is the cost comparison of a vehicle loan when using a 48 month vs. a 60 month loan?

What impacts one’s decision to pursue a 48 month vs. a 60 month load for a vehicle purchase?


1. Students will read the article entitled "Car Loans".

2. Using a Google Doc, students will summarize this article in their own words using at least 6 sentences.

3. Students will use the attached link to calculate a loan of the vehicle selected from the lesson entitled, Adult Roles and Responsibilities:  Using the Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds for Vehicle Purchasing Decisions.  Students will use an interest rate of 3.0 % (recent average used car loan rate). Students will calculate their payment with a 48 month loan and with a 60 month loan so that an understanding develops regarding payments costs.   Those monthly loan payment amounts for 48 months and 60 months will be recorded on the  Google Doc from #2.

4. On the same document calculate students will calculate the total amount paid for the car by multiplying the  loan payment x 48 months and then calculating the total amount paid for a 60 month car loan. Here's an example. The car I want is 8,000 dollars. From the loan calculator I found out I would pay $177.07 over 48 months and 143.75 over 60 months. So $177.07 x 48 months is $8,499.36 and $143.75 x 60 months is $8768.75.

5.Students will then indicate preference for a car payment (48 or 60 months) and their rationale for this decision on the same Google Doc.

Product or Assessment:

Students will provide a Google Doc with a summary of the article on car loans as well as their calculations for a 48 and 60 month loan.  Finally on the same document the students will provide their rationale for selecting the 48 or the 60 month loan based on their circumstances.


Students could listen to an audio presentation of the article on car loans. Students could calculate using different online calculators.  Students could verbally provide the information requested.  


Students could visit a local dealership and work through the calculations with the financial officer.  Students could research the best institutions for obtaining a vehicle loan.

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