Adult Roles and Responsibilities: Writing Your Obituary
Adult Roles and Responsibilities: Writing Your Obituary
Grade Level: 10th-12th
Subject: Adult Roles and Responsibilities
Duration: 1-2 (50 minute periods)
DOK Level:1
SAMR Level: Substitution
Indiana Standard:
Core Standard 3 Integrate multiple lifespan roles and responsibilities in family, career, and community settings
Students will understand the various components of an obituary and construct their own.
Essential Question:
What is the importance of an obituary?
What parts of an obituary are personally significant?
- Students will review the article entitled, Your Story, Your Words, How to Write an Obituary
2. Students will use”s infographic template to create a visual obituary of themselves including at least seven components from the presented article.
Product or Assessment: An infographic visual obituary of themselves.
Accommodations: Students can complete their obituary in a different format using an online obituary template. Students can find an actual obituary online and identify the components as outlined in the presented article.
Students can locate an obituary of a relative and identify why each component may have represented an important piece of information about the deceased.