The Hobbit: End of Unit Assessment
The Hobbit: End of Unit Assessment
Grade Level: 8th Grade
Subject: English
Duration: Two 45 minute work days
DOK Level: 3
SAMR Level: Augmentation
Indiana Standard:
8.RL.2.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what a text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
8.RL.2.2 Analyze the development of a theme or central idea over the course of a work of literature; provide a detailed summary that supports the analysis.
8.RL.2.3 Analyze the interaction of elements in a work of literature (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).
Common Core Standard:
Students will select from a list of multi-genre projects in order to display their understanding of the characters, themes, and plot of The Hobbit.
- Students will be able to recall what they have read
- Students will be able to identify and analyze literary terms within a novel
- Students will be able to analyze the themes in a work of literature
- Students will be able to develop their ideas in a well constructed essay
Essential Question:
How did the dialogue, decisions, and actions of the characters affect the plot of the story?
- This project is intended as an end of unit assessment after a class has finished the novel, The Hobbit, by JRR Toklien.
- The teacher will go over this project sheet with the students
- The students will have 2 class periods to work on their projects.
- On the second work day, the teacher will conference individually with each student and provide feedback.
Product or Assessment:
The students will turn in completed projects that display their thorough understanding of the literary elements of The Hobbit.
Narrow down the project choices and make this a group project.
Have the students add voiceover to their project or complete a video project instead of an essay.