Health - Environmental Hazards All Around Us

Health - Environmental Hazards All Around Us

Grade Level: 7th-8th

Subject:  Health

Duration: 1-2 (50 minute period)

DOK Level: 4

SAMR Level: 4

Indiana Standards:

8.1.3  Analyze how the environment impacts personal health

8.2.6  Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health


Students will examine and connect the relationship between household environmental hazards and the impact on one’s health. Students will analyze precautions/alternatives one can take to reduce health risks that are reasonable to implement .

Essential Question:

  1.  What hidden household environmental hazards exist in our homes of which we are not consciously aware?
  2. What is the impact of such hazards on our health?
  3. What are the alternatives or concessions to be made in order to reduce our health risks as they relate to household environmental hazards?


  1.  Students will examine the prevalence of household environmental hazards and their impact on health by viewing the video entitled, The Healthy Home: Hidden Household Dangers: How Healthy is Your Home?

  1. Students will work in randomly selected groups of four to create a Coggle Mind Mapping diagram.  Each person in the group will create a section that flows from the title, Environmental Household Hazards.  Individual sections must include the following:
  • Identified hazard
  • Location(s) of hazard in the house
  • Potential health impact on humans and/or pets
  • Precautions/Implemented Changes/Alternatives to reduce health risk(s)

    NOTE:  Students are encouraged to use various online resources for their research which could include:,

Product or Assessment:

Each group will submit a completed Coggle Mind Mapping that meets criteria listed.


Students could complete an individual Coggle Mind Map or a diagram using a different diagramming app.  Students could verbally relay the necessary information to the teacher.


Students could build one 3-D model of a home with hazard symbols indicating environmental hazards and one 3-D model of a “green” home with safer alternatives.

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