Health - Body Alterations

Health - Body Alterations

Grade Level: 7th-8th

Subject: Health

Duration: 1-2 (50 minute periods)

DOK Level: 3

SAMR Level: 3

Indiana Standard:

8.3.1: Analyze the validity of health information, products and services


Students will brainstorm types of body alterations and investigate why individuals elect to alter their body. Students will cite evidence as to the potential health risks of three specific body alterations.

Essential Questions:

  1.  What is considered a body alteration?
  2.  Why do individuals and/or cultures elect to alter their body?
  3. What are the potential health risks associated with body alterations?


  1.  Students will have three minutes to answer essential question #1 on their Google Classroom Question.
  2. As a class students will post any type of body alteration of which they are aware on the classroom blog.
  3. Students will then work in pairs to investigate why individuals elect to alter their body.  Then, student pairs  will verbally share with the teacher the connection to one’s “health triangle”.
  4. Student pairs will select three specific body alterations and cite evidence as to the potential health risks of each.  Evidence will be collected and shared with the class in the form of an Public Service Announcement using iMovie.

Product or Assessment:

Students will create an iMovie PSA of three body alterations and the potential health risks of each.


Students can work individually on this activity.  Students can share their findings verbally or in written form.  Students can share a live role play for the PSA.


Students will conduct an interview with a tattoo artist, a plastic surgeon, or a hair stylist to discuss body alterations and the reasons individuals elect to alter their body.

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