Basketball Foul Analysis
Basketball Infraction Analysis
Grade Level: 9th
Subject: PE 9
Duration: 1 e-learning class period
DOK Level: 4
Indiana Standard: PE 9.1.1, 9.12.WT.7, 9.12.WT.8
Objective: Students will research and analyze 5 common basketball infractions; identifying why they are fouls and what the appropriate penalty would be.
- As an assessment over basketball, students will be asked to create a Google Slides presentation over 5 common penalties of their choosing.
- For each penalty, the student must have:
- A video of the infraction (either linked from YouTube or student created)
- A description of why what took place is an infraction
- Must be in the student’s own words, they cannot use commentary from the video itself (if from YouTube) and they cannot quote any rule book
- An indication of what the correct penalty is
- The student may use as many slides as necessary, but each penalty will likely take at least 2 slides, one of the video and one for the other two components
Product or Assessment: Google Slides presentation
- Extra credit may be offered for student created infraction videos
- Presentations can then be presented in class if time permits
SAMR Level: Modification