Intro to Culinary Arts: Symptoms and Prevention of Foodborne Illness

Intro to Culinary Arts:  Introduction to the Symptoms and Prevention of Foodborne Illness

Grade Level:10th-12th

Subject:Intro to Culinary Arts

Duration:2 (50 minute periods)

DOK Level:2

SAMR Level: 3

Indiana Standard:

ICAH-3.2 Identify symptoms and prevention methods of foodborne illness


Students will collect and display the symptoms and prevention of foodborne illness through group research.

Essential Question:

  1.  What are the symptoms of foodborne illness?
  2.  How does one prevent foodborne illness?


  1.  Students will be randomly pair to research the symptoms and prevention of foodborne illness .
  2. Students will collect and display their research by producing an iMovie.

Product or Assessment:

Students will submit an iMovie of their research on symptoms and prevention of foodborne illness.


Students may work individually.  Students may provide required information in a verbal or written format.


Students may interview the local health department regarding recent outbreaks of foodborne illness and present their research in a format of their choosing.

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