Core for Social Workers Module 10: Managing Change

The Module 10: Managing Change materials are organized by topic. This page provides access to the required classroom materials, as well as supplemental content and trainer-specific materials for each topic.

Module 10 Topics

Looking for more Core? Visit our Core Resources Page for additional resources.

Looking for something else? Return to the CHS Resource Barn by clicking here.

Managing Change Knowledge and Skill Reinforcement Lab

Classroom Materials (Required for Attendees)

Download: 01_VirtualTraineeGuide-ManagingChange-v2018.12.31.pdf

Download: 02_Impact_of_Separation_Chart_v3.2.pdf

Supplemental Materials (Optional for Attendees)

Download: PPT-Handout-ManagingChange-v12.31.18.pdf

Post-Class Evaluation

Training Materials and Instructions (For Instructors Only)

Download: 01_TrainerGuide-ManagingChange-v12.31.18.pdf

Download: 02_PowerPoint-ManagingChange-v.12.31.18.pptx

Download: 03_PostEval_Debrief_Instructions_Qq76rYX.pdf

Download: 04_SummaryOfChanges-ManagingChange-v12.31.18.pdf

Download: Activity_6B_Polk-Hernandez_Activity_Instructions_v3.2.pdf

In-Class Video

Child Family Team Meetings

Managing Transitions Knowledge and Skill Reinforcement Lab

Classroom Materials (Required for Attendees)

Download: VirtualTraineeGuide-ManagingTransitions-v2018.12.31.pdf

Supplemental Materials (Optional for Attendees)

Download: PPT-Handout-ManagingTransitions-v12.31.18.pdf

Post-Class Evaluation

Training Materials and Instructions (for Instructors Only)

Download: 01_TrainerGuide-ManagingTransitions-v12.31.18.pdf

Download: 02_PowerPoint-ManagingTransitions-v12.31.18.pptx

Download: 03_Post_Eval_Debrief_Instructions_.pdf

Download: 04_SummaryOfChanges-ManagingTransitions-v12.31.18.pdf

In-Class Videos (also available to stream below)

How Do We Stop Childhood Adversity from Becoming a Life Sentence. | Benjamin Perks | TEDxPodgorica

Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices - Part 1 of 4

Looking for more Core? Visit our Core Resources Page for additional resources.

Looking for something else? Return to the CHS Resource Barn by clicking here.

If you would like to learn more about Core for Social Workers offerings and when the next module will be offered, please visit the Academy website.

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