how technology has changed the world


There is no denying that in the modern world, we are quite spoilt when it comes to technology. Many of us will even admit that it is something we simply can’t live without now.

From speedy access to the internet on-the-go to the ability to instantly get in touch with almost anyone in the world by dialling just a few digits; recent technological developments have changed the way we live our lives.

However, has digital technology changed the way we live completely for the better or is there a down side to having almost everything at our fingertips? What’s more – is it changing the way we live, think about and see the world?

In the modern world, you cannot walk down the street, sit on a train or even eat at a restaurant without being surrounded by people with their eyes fixated on their smart phones, tablets and laptops. This isn’t surprising as according to recent figures, global active internet users now total 3.175 billion. What’s more, mobile users constitute half of the world population, with a huge 2 million smart phones being sold worldwide every single day.

Of course, our phones are now a far cry from what they used to be. We’re now able to do more than just make a phone call. We check our emails, order our weekly food shopping, take photographs, listen to music, watch hours of videos; the list is endless!


The biggest use of all? Social Media. The giant of the digital world has an impressive 2.2 billion active users around the world, which in the last year alone has risen by 176 million. Quite significantly, 1.9 billion of social media users are doing so from their mobiles.

Leading the way is Facebook, which adds half a million new users everyday and 6 new profiles are created every second!

Next up – Instagram. They image sharing platform now has over 300,000,00 users sharing more than 70 million photos and videos each day.

Its no surprise that the platform is now bigger than Twitter which has over 284 million users itself.

Taking all of these statistics and behaviours into account, it opens up the question; are we now just seeing the world through a screen or a lens?

Each year, billions of tourists visit the most famous cities and monuments across the globe and we know this, not just because of the stats, but because we see it – online. We capture moments and share them instantly with friends and family, where ever and when ever we can.

Whether it’s on holiday, at a music festival, with friends and even at the birth of a child, there are smart phones and cameras in most peoples hands. And what many of us don’t even realise, is that we now see and watch more of our lives and the world through technology than we do with our own eyes.


With this in mind, just how is technology changing the way we see and travel the world? Here’s our favourite three pieces of tech for travellers:

App – Flight Track

Follow the path of thousands of international flights on zoomable maps with detailed information including departure gates, delays and heaven forbid – cancellations. RIP Teletext!

Cameras – The GoPro

High-quality, wearable cameras are allowing travellers to capture almost anything whilst on the move; whether their on top of the worlds biggest skyscrapers or hitting the slopes on a skiing get away. Long gone are the days of mom or dad hanging around with a camcorder.

Essentials – The Selfie Stick

Okay, so maybe it’s not so essential, but millions of tourists around the world won’t leave their hotel rooms without their shiny, extendable sticks. Well, if it cuts back on the awkward “excuse me, can you take a photo of us, please?” moments, then who can blame them?

Every once in a while, maybe try to forget technology for just a second; really, it’s okay to eat your deliciously, mouthwatering food when it comes, rather than 5 minutes after trying to get the perfect Instagram shot.

how the standard of  living  changed the world 
because of technology
how_technology_has_changed_the_world_tej.jpghow the standard of living changed the world because of technology

how the standard of living changed the world because of technology

now a days technology
how-technology-has-changed-the-world-of-technicalnow a days technology

now a days technology

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