In the bussiness world, it is important to have a certain vocabulary that will help you get through commonly presented situations. The following list will present you some situations and phrases that can be used within them. 

WELCOMING: These phrases are used when welcoming people into the company or at the beginning of a meeting.

It’s my pleasure to welcome you to …

I would like to welcome you to …

Is this your first visit to …?

SCHEDULE AND AGENDA: These phrases are used to point out the topics or times of the meetings.

I would like now to begin by suggesting the following agenda.

To start with, I think we should establish the overall procedure

PROPOSALS: These phrases are used during a meeting to propose and reach agreements for the things that need to be done.

We’d like to propose / suggest that …

Regarding your proposal, our position is …

How do you feel about …

Perhaps a better idea would be …

May we offer an alternative? We propose that …

What exactly do you mean by …?

I’m not sure I fully understand your point.

Could you be more specific?

This agreement is acceptable to us.

I think we have reached an agreement here.

That sounds reasonable.

I think we have a deal.

I believe we have an agreement.

I can agree to that.

We are ready to accept your offer; however, there would be one condition.

AGREEING: These phrases are used to accept the ideas and/or proposals of others during a meeting or bussiness conversation.

I think we can both agree that…

I agree with you on that point.

OBJECTING: These phrases are used to reject or deny the ideas and/or proposals of others during a meeting or bussiness conversation.

If you look at it from my point of view…

From my perspective…

I’m afraid we couldn’t agree to that…

The reason for that is …

This is because …

CONCLUDING: These phrases are used when finishing a meeting or bussiness conversation as a form of conclusion. 

I think you’ve covered everything.

Let’s just confirm the details, then.

Have I left anything out?

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