Flame test

In this activity you have the opportunity to observe the colour  that the flame takes when it is in contact with the salts


  •  test tube and test tube rack
  • watch glass
  •  bunsen burner  
  • a platinum or nichrome wire
  • hydrochloric acid
  • barium, calcium, potassium, lithium, copper, sodium and strontium salts


1) Clean a platinum or nichrome wire. Dip it into concentrated hydrochloric acid, and hold it in a hot bunsen flame.

2) Moisten the clean wire by dipping it into the acid again. Then dip it into the salt, so it sticks to it.

3) Now hold it in the clear part of a blue bunsen flame, and observe the colour


 Pale green Brick red  Crimson red   Lilac  Blue-Green  Orange-Brown Crimson to scarlat  
  BaCl2   CaCl2  LiCl  KCl   CuCl2   NaCl   SrCl2

Colour of CuSO4
Colour of CuSO4

Colour of CuSO4

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