Money Quiz
Title: Money Quiz on Google Forms
Overview: In this lesson, students will take a short on-line quiz based on a material they learned in class. The quiz is created in Google Forms. I built the form using the “Blank Quiz” template, and the multiple choice format. I attach the form to my classroom website, allowing students to access the quiz without needing a login or password. My primary goal for this lesson is to practice taking an online quiz. The focus on money is secondary.
Content/Context: The content area for this quiz is Money. Students have been learning the value of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, and have practiced counting coins. Prior to this activity, they took a similar pencil/paper quiz on the same subject.
Length of lesson: 1 hour
Digital Literacy Standards addressed:
Basic Computer Skills:
- Identify icons on a desktop (Google Chrome)
- Identify address bar and enter a URL address
- Use a hyperlink to access other webpages
- Use mouse to select/check box
Lesson Objective(s): At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Access the online quiz by (1) clicking on Google Chrome; (2) entering classroom website ( in address bar; (3) clicking on hyperlink to access quiz; (4) completing quiz; (5) submitting quiz
Assessing Mastery of the Objective(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to access and complete an online quiz as evidenced by successful transmission of quiz.
- Laptop computers
- Practice quiz created on Google forms
- Money Quiz created on Google forms
Lesson Outline:
Explain to students that they will be taking a quiz about money, but the quiz will be online.
With computer connected to Smartboard or projector, demo accessing the quiz (we access it through out classroom website.) Fine the “Practice Quiz.”
Guided Practice:
Demonstrate filling in your name and then solicit the student’s help in answering the questions on the practice quiz. Invite different students to come up and answer a question. Demonstrate submitting the form.
Ask students to access, complete and submit the practice quiz. Circulate the room to guide students as needed.
Independent Practice:
Students access the quiz titled “Money Quiz.” They will complete and submit the quiz.
Student Reflection on Learning, Closure, Connection:
Solicit students opinions as to whether they prefer taking a quiz with paper and pencil or taking a quiz on-line. Why? What did they like/dislike about it?