OER Commons Badges - Remix

What are Badges

Badges are a new tool on OER Commons. Open Education Resource (OER) Contributors earn Badges by Evaluating, Authoring, and Remixing OER on the Commons.  OER Badges indicate experience and expertise in OER creation and evaluation.

When you use tools like Open Author,  Achieve OER Quality Rubric, and EQuIP Rubric to create, evaluate, or remix OER on the Commons, you earn points. Your points are stored and displayed under the User Stats section on your Profile page. Once you reach the appropriate number of points for an individual skill, a badge will appear under your name on your profile. 

Earning points and displaying badges is a way to acknowledge your own growth as an OER contributor, as well as a way for you to recognize and connect with other OER contributors.  When you see a user with a Superior Remix Badge,  you can be sure that user is an practiced remixer, with particular experience in personalizing and localizing learning material.

Bages on a profile page.jpg
Bages on a profile page.jpg

OERC Evaluator Badge

Points toward the OER Evaluator Badge are earned by evaluating resources on OER Commons.

When you use the Achieve OER Quality Rubric or EQuiP to evaluate resources, you receive Evaluator points.  Points are earned when an evaluation is saved on either rubric.

blue pentagon with words O-E-R-C Evaluator and a check mark

blue pentagon with words O-E-R-C Evaluator and a check mark
download image

There are three levels of OER Evaluator status, and each requires 100 Points:

  • OER Evaluator - 100
  • Super Evaluator - 200
  • Expert Evaluator - 300


You can earn points on each of the seven Rubrics of the Achieve OER Quality Rubric and on the EQuIP Rubric by Aligning to Common Core (3 points), selecting a Numeric Rating (2 points), and by leaving Comments (5 points per comment). For scoring purposes, selecting  “NA/ Does not apply” on a rubric qualifies as a numeric rating. 

  • Identify Degree of Alignment = 3 points
  • Select a numeric rating = 2 points
  • Leave a comment = 5 points


Example one: Monique

Monique is a middle school language arts teacher. She is looking for high quality reading and writing OER for her students and her teaching team. When she finds resources that are interesting, she offers a numeric assessment and makes a comment for herself and others.

 Assessment I Action  Points
 Rubric IIdentifies degree of alignment (3) Numeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)
 Rubric IINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric IIINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric IVNumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric VNumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric VINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)
 Rubric VIINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
Total points for Assessment   52  
 User's Evaluator points  52

Assessment IIActionPoints
Rubric IIdentifies degree of alignment (3)  Numeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)10
Rubric II
Numeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric IIINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric IVNumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VNumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VIINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Total for assessment
User’s cumulative Evaluator points

OERC Evaluator Badge

Points toward the OER Evaluator Badge are earned by evaluating resources on OER Commons.

When you use the Achieve OER Quality Rubric or EQuiP to evaluate resources, you receive Evaluator points.  Points are earned when an evaluation is saved on either rubric.

blue pentagon with words O-E-R-C Evaluator and a check mark

blue pentagon with words O-E-R-C Evaluator and a check mark
download image

There are three levels of OER Evaluator status, and each requires 100 Points:

  • OER Evaluator - 100
  • Super Evaluator - 200
  • Expert Evaluator - 300


You can earn points on each of the seven Rubrics of the Achieve OER Quality Rubric and on the EQuIP Rubric by Aligning to Common Core (3 points), selecting a Numeric Rating (2 points), and by leaving Comments (5 points per comment). For scoring purposes, selecting  “NA/ Does not apply” on a rubric qualifies as a numeric rating. 

  • Identify Degree of Alignment = 3 points
  • Select a numeric rating = 2 points
  • Leave a comment = 5 points


Example one: Monique

Monique is a middle school language arts teacher. She is looking for high quality reading and writing OER for her students and her teaching team. When she finds resources that are interesting, she offers a numeric assessment and makes a comment for herself and others.

 Assessment I Action  Points
 Rubric IIdentifies degree of alignment (3) Numeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)
 Rubric IINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric IIINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric IVNumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric VNumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
 Rubric VINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)
 Rubric VIINumeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5) 7
Total points for Assessment   52  
 User's Evaluator points  52

Assessment IIActionPoints
Rubric IIdentifies degree of alignment (3)  Numeric assessment (2) Makes a comment (5)10
Rubric II
Numeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric IIINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric IVNumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VNumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Rubric VIINumeric assessment (2)Makes a comment (5)7
Total for assessment
User’s cumulative Evaluator points

OERC Remix Badge

Points toward the OERC Remix Badge are earned as you remix an OA Resource and personalize it for your teaching and learning context.

When you Remix another author’s resource, you earn 10 points.  If another OER Contributor evaluates your resource, and you receive an average score of 2 or more on the Acheive or EQuIP tool, you receive an additional 10 points. If another author remixes your Remix, you receive 5 extra Remix points.

There are three levels of OER Remixer status, each requires 100 points. 

grey pentagon containing the words O-E-R-C Remixer and a copied document

grey pentagon containing the words O-E-R-C Remixer and a copied document
download image

  • OER Remixer - 100
  • Super Remixer - 200
  • Expert Remixer - 300


  • Publish a Remix in OA: 10 points
  • Your OA Remix receives a 2 or higher assessment: 10 points
  • Your OA Remix gets remixed: 5 points


Miriam is a middle school language arts teacher. She specializes in working with ESL students. When she finds a resource that her students would like, she often remixes it, adapting it specifically to meet the needs of her students. Through adapting resources, Miriam not only creates quality resources for her students, but she contributes to the diversity of open education resources (OER) on the Commons. 

 Resource I Action Points
   Remix is published 10
   Remix receives a 2.6 assessment 10
   Remix receives a 2.8 assessment 10
   Remix receives a 2.4 assessment 10
 User's points for this resource  40
 User's Remix points  40

 Resource II Action Points
   Remix is Published 10
   Remix receives a 2.2 assessment 10
   Remix receives a 2.8 assessment 10
   Remix receives a 2.8 assessment 10
   Remix receives a 2.6 assessment 10
  Remix receives a 2.8 assessment 10
  Remix is remixed 5
 User's points for this remix  65
 User's cumulative Remix points  105

Miriam receives an OERC Remixer badge. 

Group Badges

Some organizations and State Groups have created their own, specialize criteria for Badges. Groups develop their own badges by identifying a set of skills which they would like their group members to develop, or a particular certification they could like their participants to achieve. Then they collaborated with the ISKME team at OER Commons to develop an assessment and certification system for tracking progress toward those badges. 

We have created a set of testing criteria based on the States desired qualifications. Teachers and curriculum builders from those states are invited to develop their skills by evaluating predetermined resources and comparing their rubrics with the state's certified assessment key.

Because each Organization's badging system is uniquely devloped, only members of the participating group have access to the certification portal. 

If your organization is interested in developing a specialized badging system on OER Commons, contact us info@oercommons.org.

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