Worldview Activity

Worldview Activity

Worldview- provides a coherent view of reality as perceived and experienced by one cultural group.

The key is that our belief system determines what we think is possible, and what we think is possible influences the results we create or allow in life (Links to an external site.).  Ie…. If you believe global warming is man-made you’ll be more likely to curb your own harmful actions. 

  • Worldviews are often acquired inductively (through observation and experience) and unconsciously. 
  • Worldviews apply generally to groups although individuals can have different worldviews that they acquired from a subculture, family, etc.... 
  • Worldviews change over time.

Can you guess what United States worldviews exist?  In other words, how do Americans generally perceive and experience reality?

More info on worldview here (Links to an external site.).


Check out this International Student Guide to the United States They lay out some things that Americans generally believe.  With a partner, please choose one or two that are interesting to you and do the following:

  1. List the worldview, according to the website
  2. Think of a piece of culture you took in (school curriculum, book, film, etc...) that affirmed this worldview.
  3. Think of how other cultures (or subcultures in the United States) relate to this category (privacy, time orientation, directness, etc...)


  1. Americans believe "the ideal person is autonomous  and self-reliant."
  2. I used to read children's books where the hero didn't have to ask for help and acted alone; for example Robin Hood.
  3. I know that Asian cultures often have grandparents living in the same house as the children and grandchildren because their worldview is that the ideal person relies on other people in their family.  People who are self-reliant are seen as selfish.

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