Arabic Language Activity Template
Description of Activity
Write a clear description of your language learning activity. Briefly summarize your activity and the content/ themes addressed, as well as its overall teaching and learning objectives.
Materials Needed
List the materials needed to complete the activity in the classroom.
Time Needed
List the time needed to complete the activity, including preparation time, lessons and activities, and assessment.
Foreign Language Learning Standards Addressed
List the specific language learning standards addressed in your activity.
Reference Resources
Standards for Foreign Language Learning (Full PDF)
Quick Guide to the Standards for Foreign Language Learning
Academic Vocabulary
List and define new vocabulary used in this activity.
Can-Do Statements
Can-do statements indicate what a student must be able to do to meet the language learning standard and content focus that your activity addresses. List your Can-do statements below.
Reference Resources
LinguaFolio Network's Tips for Writing Can-Do Statements
Tips for Writing Student Learning Outcomes - IUPUI
Student Tasks
Identify how you will
direct learning through specific student tasks, and how these tasks relate to your can-do statements and the language learning standards addressed. Describe the student tasks below, indicating how teachers should implement or guide those tasks.
Describe the assessment approach and assessment questions that will be used to assess the targeted skills and knowledge developed by students through the activity.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Describe the prior knowledge and skills students need to have to participate in this activity.
List, upload and link to other resources to support the use of this project in the classroom, and include possible extensions
After the activity has been implemented in the classroom, add student work and data on student progress for future teachers to benefit from.
Student Work
Upload images, documents, pdfs, and/or videos that show examples of student work.
Student Data
List any classroom observations and examples of student progress and motivation.