Arabic curriculum mapping
Units/ Topics |
Standards/ Benchmarks |
Objectives |
Procedures/Activities |
Vocabulary /Indicators |
Materials/Tools |
Assessments |
My Self |
Communication: Interpersonal A.1. Answer Simple questions about personal information and other familiar topics.
Students will: -Introduce self & others. - respond to introduction
-Students Listen to teacher introduces himself/her self - Student Introduces self. - Students Listen to teacher introduces others. - Student Introduces others. |
أنا اسمي ما اسمك من أنت هذا هذه |
Picture of U.S President, Picture of sports person, Picture of a policeman or woman |
-Observation -Color pictures of famous characters -Teacher asks about student identities. |
Greetings |
Communications: Interpersonal B.3. Exchange greetings.
Students will: -Greet others. -Respond to greetings. -Learn greetings in different cultures. |
- Students Listen to teacher greets students. - Students greet each other.
السلام عليكم عليكم السلام صباح الخير صباح النور مساء الخير مساء النور مرحبا أهلا
Picture of people greeting each other, shaking hands and making gestures and facial expressions. |
-Observation -Respond to spoken greetings.
Greetings, welcomes & Farewell |
Communication: Interpersonal A.2. Tell about emotions and states.
Students will: -Greet, welcome and say farewell. -Demonstrate accompanying gestures (e.g; hand shakes, embracing, eye contacts, smiles, stooping
-Student (outsider) knocks the door. -Teacher welcomes visitor with appropriate gestures. -Teacher introduces visitor. -Students welcome visitor. -Students listen to teacher welcome and greet students. -Students welcome and greet teacher. -Students welcome and greet each other. -Visitor takes leave -Students respond to the leave taking.
مرحبا أهلا وسهلا تفضّل شكرا عفوا كيف الحال أنا بخير الحمد لله وأنت نشكر الله إلى اللقاء مع السلامة تشرّفنا |
-Roll play -Video tape showing hospitality. -Pictures showing social proxemics. |
Students Greet& respond to greetings using prompt cards. -Interpret pantomimes & gestures. |
My family |
Communications: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about personal information and other familiar topics.
Students will: -Introduce family members. -Read and write the letter Alif
-Teacher presents picture of a family. - Teacher asks students to identify family members in the picture. - Students ask about picture family members.
- Teacher writes the letter Alif on the board. - Teacher pronounces the sound of the letter Alif. - Students repeat the sound of the Alif after the teacher. -Students will trace the letter Alif. |
أب، أم، أخ، أخت، ابن، ابنة، بنت، ولد، جد، جدة، عم، عمة، خال، خالة |
Pictures of family members -Song about parents -Picture dictionary |
-Observation -Students circle the letter Alif in words representing family members. |
Class room 1 |
Communications: Interpretive C.4. Respond to questions seeking clarification.
Students will: Name the class room objects.
-Teacher will say the names of the class room objects. -Students will say the name of the class room objects. -Students will ask and answer questions about the class room objects. |
قلم، دفتر، كتاب، مسطرة، محّاية، برّاية،أستاذ، أستاذة، مدرس، مدرسة، طالب، طالبة، سبّورة، لوح، حقيبة، شنطة، ألوان، صورة، ورقة، مكتب، طاولة، طبشورة، كرسي، مقعد |
-Class room realia. -Song about the school. -Picture dictionary |
-Students identify class room objects. |
Class room 2 |
Communications: Interpretive D.5. Follow simple classroom instructions. |
Students will: - Follow class room instructions |
-Teacher will give instructions to students. - Students carry out teacher’s commands. -Teacher will gesture commands with appropriate body language. -Students will interpret teacher’s gestures. -Students pantomime and others interpret. |
افتح الكتاب، أغلق الكتاب، افتح الدفتر، أغلق الدفتر، امسك القلم، ضع القلم، افتح الباب، أغلق الباب، اكتب على اللوح، اجلس من فضلك، قف من فضلك، اسكت لو سمحت، تكلّم، ارفع يدك، امسح اللوح، انظر، استمع، انتبه |
-Class room realia -Song about the teacher. -Song about the school -Picture dictionary |
Total physical response |
ِAsking favor, Thanking & responding to thanks |
Cultures: B.2. Identify and imitate gestures and oral expressions.
Students will: -Show appreciation. -Ask for help -Ask for a favor. -Cooperation |
Teacher will: -Ask a student to do her/him a favor. -student will express readiness and willingness to do the favor. -Teacher thanks student. -Student response to thank. -Students mutually do each other a favor. |
شكرا، أشكرك، بارك الله فيك، عفوا، وفيكم، ممنون، ممنونك، تكرم عينك، الله يخليك، لا شكرا على واجب، على راسي، على عيني، حاضر، ولا يهمك |
-Class room realia. -Video demonstrates favors, thanking and appreciation. |
Observation -Roll play
Apologizing and responding to apologies |
Cultures: B.3. Imitate classroom gestures and commonly used expressions in the Arabic culture.
Students will: -Apologize for wrong behavior or wrong actions. -Exhibiting positive character and attitudes. -Assume responsibility
-Teacher will pretend doing something wrong. -Teacher will apologize for wrong action. Students respond to apology. -Students pretend doing a wrong action. -Students apologize for doing wrong action. -Students respond to apology.
أنا آسف، أنا آسفة، أنا متأسف، لا تؤاخذني، عفوا، عدم المؤاخذة، بسيطة، ولا يهمك، توكّل على الله، لا أبدا، أرجوك |
Prompt cards Posters |
Observation Roll play Students apologize and respond to apologies using prompt cards. |
Congratulations & responding to congratulations |
Cultures A. Observe, identify and describe simple patterns of behavior of the Arabic culture.
Students will: -Congratulate others on social occasions. -Appreciate positive outcome. -Express thanks. |
-Teacher will congratulate a student on something. -Students respond to congratulations. -Students congratulate each other for different reason. -Students respond to congratulations. |
مبارك، مبروك، الله يبارك فيك، الحمد لله على السلامة، الله يسلمك، نعيما، الله ينعم عليك، سلامتك، دايمة، تهانينا، مع السلامة، عيد ميلاد سعيد، كل عام وأنتم بخير، مبارك النجاح |
-Pictures showing all these different occasions. -Video showing social engagement in various occasions.
-Teacher prepares several prompts and ask students what they say in these occasions: wedding, travelling, hair cut, students exchange cards for different occasions. |
Asking & telling once place of origin/place of residence |
Communication: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about personal information and other familiar topics.
Students will: -Tell place of residence, or country of origin. -Ask for place of residence or country of origin. -Give telephone numbers and addresses.
-Teacher will tell students about his/her place of residence or country of origin. -Teacher will ask about students place of residence or country of origin. -Students will ask each other about place of residence or country of origin. Teacher will give answers and students will come up with the questions.
من أين أنت؟ من أي بلد أنت؟ أنا من لبنان، من فلسطين، من العراق، من مصر، من بنغلادش، من الباكستان، من الهند، من سوريا، من اليمن، من أمريكا، أنا صومالي، أنا قلسطيني، أنا أمريكي، أنا هندي، أنا عراقي عنواني، رقم هاتفي... |
-Political Map of the world. -Recorded dialogue.
-Observation -Students answer oral interview questions about name, country of origin, place of residence, family members. -Students respond to commands or instructions (e.g set down, welcoming and greeting, fare well) |
Days of the week |
Students will: -Name the days of the week.
-Teacher will say the days of the week. -Students will translate the days of the week from English to Arabic and vice versa. |
الإثنين، الثلاثاء، الأربعاء، الخميس، الجمعة، السبت، الأحد، يوم، اليوم، غدا، أمس، بعد غد، قبل أمس |
-Students schedule, -School master schedule -Calendar |
-Students answer teacher’s questions about: today, tomorrow and yesterday |
Telling the time |
Communication: Interpersonal E.5. Respond to simple questions. Interpretive E.6. Follow simple oral or signed directions Connections A. Describe concepts and reinforce skills from other disciplines. |
Students will: -Tell the time -Say the numbers from 0-15 -Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts: Half, one third and quarter. |
- Teacher will tell the time using the pictures of watches. -Students will answer the teacher’s questions about the time. -Students will set the hands of the clock at the requested times. -Students will ask each other about the time. |
الساعة، الدقيقة، دقائق، الوقت، الأرقام من واحد-خمسة عشر. إلا ربع، إلا ثلث، إلا عشرة، إلا خمسة، ونصف، وربع، وثلث، وخمسة، كم الساعة الآن، كم الساعة. |
-Pictures of watches realia time clock, school schedule |
Observation -Students tell the time as indicated in pictures of watches. |
School subjects |
Communities: Interpersonal E.5. Respond to simple questions
Students will: -Demonstrate knowledge of the school subjects in Arabic.
-Teacher will say the names of the school subjects in English as well as in Arabic. -Students repeat the names of the school subjects in both languages. -Teacher will point to the schedule and ask students to say the name of the subject indicated. -Students will point to the schedule and ask their class mates to say the name of the subject indicated. -Teacher says the names of each school subject in English and ask students to give the Arabic equivalents. -A student says the name of a school subject in English and calls on a class mate to give the Arabic equivalent.
الرياضيات، اللغة العربية، اللغة الإنجليزية، العلوم، الاجتماعيات، الفن، الرياضة، الكمبيوتر |
-Students schedule. -Master schedule -Subject cards -Poster showing the school subjects in English and in Arabic with different color for each subject. -Pictures of books for school subjects for students to color.
-Students say the times of their school subjects as shown on schedule. -On the school subjects schedule in English, students paste a card with a subject in Arabic next to its English equivalent. |
Seasons of the year |
Communications: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about personal and other familiar topics. |
Students will: -Say the names of the four seasons. -Orally give one- word description of the weather in Arabic. |
-Teacher projects a colored picture of the four seasons. -Teacher will say the names of the four seasons in English as well as in Arabic. -Students will repeat the names of the four seasons after the teacher. -Teacher will point to a picture and students say the season indicated. -A student points to a picture and the class mates say the season indicated. -Students will color pictures of the season using colors that show their understanding.
فصل، الشتاء، الربيع، الصيف، الخريف، الطقس،يوم، اليوم، دافيئ، معتدل، حار، بارد، مشمس، غائم، ماطر، مثلج، عاصف، ريح، رياح، هواء، رطب، جاف |
-Calendar, -Thermometer -poster with pictures showing the seasons -Weather map. -Picture dictionary |
-Give one word description of a picture showing the weather. -Give one word description of a picture showing the season. |
Months of the year |
Communications: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about personal and familiar topics. |
Students will: -Say the names of the calendar months in English as well as in Arabic. -Say the dates correctly. |
-Teacher will post a calendar. -Teacher will say the names of the months in English as well as in Arabic. -Students will repeat the names of the months after the teacher. -Teacher will point to the calendar and ask the students to say the name of the month. -A student points to a month and asks class mates to say the name of that month.
شهر، الشهر، أشهر، كانون الثاني(يناير) شباط(فبراير)، آذار(مارس)، نيسان(ابريل)، أيار(مايو)، حزيران(يونيو)، تموز(يوليو)،آب(أغسطس)، أيلول(سبتمبر)، تشرين أول(اكتوبر)، تشرين ثاني(نوفمبر)، كانون أول(ديسمبر). |
-Calendar -Cards -Realia -Globe of the world. -Picture dictionary |
-Students say their dates of birth. -Students say the dates for today, yesterday and tomorrow. |
Human body |
Communications: Interpretive E.6. Follow simple oral or signed directions |
Students will: -Identify the parts of their body. - |
-Teacher will point on the parts of his or her body and say their names. -Students repeat names of body after the teacher. -Students point to their body parts and say their names. -In pairs one student will point on his or her body and the other student will say the name of that part. -TPR ( Total physical response) Teacher gives commands and students respond, eg: Open your eyes, touch your head, raise your hand… -Game: Simon says ( Teacher instructs students to act on their body parts by saying: “ Simon says: Touch your head” Students respond. If the teacher doesn’t say: Simon says, and a student respond, he or she will be out of the game. The last student who stays on will be the winner.
رأس، شعر، عين، حاجب، أنف، رمش، رموش، أذن، فم، وجه، جبين، خد، رقبة، ذقن، شارب، لسان، شفة، أسنان، لحية، يد، ذراع، كف، صدر، كتف، حلق، ظهر، إبهام، كوع أو مرفق، إصبع، قدم أو رجل، معصم أو رسغ، ركبة، خصر، ساق، كعب، ورك، كا حل، قلب، بطن، معدة، جفن، فخذ، هيكل عظمي، |
-Posters -Picture dictionary -Realia -Video tape |
-Students say the relevant body part by looking at a series of pictures. |
Clothes |
Cultures: A.1. Identify items related to Arabic traditions. |
Students will: -Demonstrate knowledge of the names of clothes. -Listen and respond to the teacher’s instructions. |
-Teacher goes around the class and describes what each student is wearing including himself or herself. -Each student will say what he or she is wearing. -TPR (Total physical response) |
ملابس، ألبس، قميص،معطف، جاكيت، قبعة، طاقية، كوفية، بدلة، فستان، بنطلون، بلوزة، تنورة، جلباب، عباءة، سترة، قميص، بجامة، كنزة، سترة، فروة، مظلة، شمسية، حذاء، جربان، كفوف، جزمة، لفحة، شال، منديل، صندل، حزام،نظارة، ربطة |
-Picture dictionary -Realia - |
Students dress their toys upon the request of the teacher. |
Colors |
Communications: Interpretive F.8. Arrange objects according to colors. |
Students will: -Learn the names of the basic colors. -Identify the colors of the rainbow. |
-Teacher will point to the basic colors and say their names. -Students will repeat after the teacher. -Teacher will go around the class and point to the colors of the students clothes. -Students will point to the colors and say their names. -Teacher will ask questions about students clothes and their colors. -Students respond. |
لون، ألوان، ألوّن، أحمر، أخضر، أصفر، أبيض، أسود، بنّي، رمادي ، أزرق، برتقالي، |
-Picture of the rainbow -Picture dictionary |
-Groups color pictures of toys as instructed by teacher. |
Shapes |
Connections: A.3.Use skills from other disciplines.
-Students will: -Say the names of the shapes. -Distinguish between the geometrical shapes. |
-Teacher will post the shapes. -Teacher will say the names of the shapes -Students will repeat after the teacher. -Teacher will ask students about the names of the shapes. -Students respond -Students ask each other about the names of the shapes.
مربّع، مستطيل، مثلث، دائرة، قلب، نصف دائرة، هلال، نجمة، بيضاوي، معين، مخروطي، هرمي، أسطواني، مكعب |
-Posters -Picture dictionary -Class room objects - |
-Students color the shapes according to the teacher’s instruction. -Students cut out pieces of papers into different shapes and paste them next to the required number. E.g, paste the circle on number 5. -Students bring objects from of different shapes. |
Foods |
Cultures C.4. Identify items from the Arabic culture. |
Students will: -Learn the names of the basic ingredients of food. -Learn the names of daily meals.
-Teacher will ask students in English about their daily meals. -Students will answer the teacher’s questions. -Teacher will give the names of meals in Arabic. -Teacher will ask students in English what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. -Students will respond the teacher’s questions. -Teacher will present pictures of their food taken for each meal. -Teacher will give the Arabic names of foods for each meal. -Students will repeat after the teacher. |
أكل، طعام، خبز، بيض، لبن، فطور، غداء، عشاء، وجبة، سلطة، بسكوت، شوربة، زبدة، شوكولاته، لحم، دجاج، جبن، سكر، ملح، عسل، زيتون، زيت، مربّى، ساندويتش، أرز، فلفل، سمك، حلوى، جلي،أكل، يأكل، أكلت، تأكل، بوظة، كعك، بيتزا، بزر، فستق،حمص، فلافل، شاورما، فول |
Realia Pictures |
-Students point at pictures and say the names of foods in Arabic. |
Drinks |
Culture C.4. List items from the Arabic culture.
Students will: -Learn the names of the basic drinks. |
-Teacher will ask students in English about their daily drinks. -Students will answer the teacher’s questions. -Teacher will give the names of drinks in Arabic. -Teacher will ask students in English what they drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner. -Students will respond the teacher’s questions. -Teacher will present pictures of drinks. -Teacher will give the Arabic names of drinks. -Students will repeat after the teacher |
شاي، قهوة، حليب، عصير تفاح، عصير برتقال، عصير ليمون، كولا، عصير توت، شرب، يشرب، مشروب، شراب، أشرب |
-Realia -Pictures -Picture dictionary |
Students point at pictures and say the names of drinks in Arabic. |
Fruits |
Communications: Interpersonal A.2. Answer simple questions about likes and dislikes.
Students will: -get to know the names of the most common fruits. -Express likes and dislikes. -Describe the colors of the fruits. -Describe the taste of the fruit. |
-Teacher presents pictures of fruits in English. -Teacher presents the names of fruits in Arabic. -Students repeat after teacher. -Students ask each other about the Arabic names of selected fruits. -Teacher will ask students their favorite fruit. -Students will respond teacher’s questions. -Students will be given fruit pieces to describe the taste and express likes and dislikes.
تفاح، موز، برتقال، أناناس، إنجاص، خوخ، كرز، فراولة، مشمش، جوز هند، عنب، ليمون، مندلينا، تين، توت، بطيخ، شمام، فول سوداني، مانجا، رمّان، زبيب، سفرجل، بلح، تمر،طعم، حلو، حامض |
-Pictures of fruits. -Pictures of the fruit market. -Video tape of a fruit market.
-Given a picture of different fruits, the students: Give the name, describe the color and describe the taste. |
Vegetables |
Communications: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about familiar topics.
Students will: -say the names, the color and the texture of the most common vegetables
-Teacher presents a visual showing vegetables. -Teacher will say the names of the individual vegetable in English. -Teacher will say the names of the individual vegetable in Arabic. -Students will repeat after the teacher. -Teacher will point to the vegetable and students will say the name. -Teacher will go around the class and asks students their favorite vegetable. -Students will answer the teacher’s questions. -Teacher will mention a color and students identify the vegetable with that color. |
جزر، خيار، كوسا، بندورة، بطاطا، فقوس، باذنجان، بصل، بازيلا، بامية، لوبيا، قرنبيط(زهرة)، قرع(يقطين) ثوم، ملفوف، فلفل أخضر، فلفل أحمر، فول، فجل، سبانخ، فاصولياء، ذرة |
-Video tape of a vegetable market. -Pictures of vegetables -Realia |
-Students circle the odd man out -Students choose a vegetable which rhyme with certain English words, for example, far rhymes with خيار |
Celebrations |
Cultures: Practices A.1. Identify pictures related to celebrations. Comparisons C.4. Identify and compare common practices in the Arab culture and the student’s own culture. |
Students will: -say the names of the major celebrations. -Know the months on which the celebrations occur. -Learn what people do on those occasions. -Compare between the traditions that accompany with these celebrations in the Arab culture with those of their owns. -Compare the foods, the clothes and other practices that accompany with these celebrations in the Arab culture with those of their owns. |
-Teacher will ask students about the occasions in which they celebrate. -Students answer giving several ones. -Teacher will say these celebrations in Arabic. -Students will repeat after teacher. -Teacher asks what people will say in these occasions. -Students will answer teacher’s questions. -Teacher provides the Arabic equivalence. -One student says the expression in English and another says the equivalence in Arabic. -Teacher provides a symbol of the occasion and students guess what the occasion is, e.g, holiday tree, wedding rings, graduation celli hats, cap and gown, certificates.
عيد الميلاد، عيد الشكر، عيد الفطر، عيد رمضان، عيد الأضحى، عيد الحج، عيد الزواج، عيد المعلم، عيد الأم، عيد الموظف، عيد رأس السنة الميلادية، عيد رأس السنة الهجرية، عيد مولد الرسول، عيد مولد السيد المسيح |
-Realia -Pictures -Songs -Video tapes -Websites
-Students are able to say the appropriate expression for each occasion. |
Trees and Plants |
Connections: A.1.reinforce understanding of concepts from other disciplines. |
Students will: -Learn the names of the most common trees and plants in Arabic. - Connect some types of foods and drinks with their origin. -Understand growth and development in life. -Obtain some values regarding taking care of trees and plants. -Recognize the benefits of trees and plants. -Differentiate between trees and plants. |
-Teacher will start asking students about the origin of certain food and drinks, such as: bread, oil, peanuts, and oranges. -Students will answer in English. -Teacher will give the equivalent in Arabic. -Teacher will say the names of trees and plants in Arabic. -Students will repeat after teacher.
شجرة برتقال، شجرة تفاح، شجرة زيتون، شجرة تين، شجرة موز، شجرة جوز، شجرة لوز، شجرة ليمون، القمح، الحمص، الفول، الذرة، السمسم، |
-Realea -Pictures -Video tapes -Websites
-Students mention the benefits of trees and plants. -Students match between the benefits and the tree or plants -Students match between pictures and words. |
Quantities, units & Prices |
Connections: A.1. Reinforce understanding of concepts from other disciplines. |
Students will: -Learn the units of measurements, quantities and prices. |
-Teacher will present the vegetables with their quantities and units of measurements. -Students will practice saying these units of measurements. -In pairs, students play the rolls of buyers and sales persons (green grosser) -Shopping around
حبة تفاح، قرن موز، قطف عنب، ضمة بقدونس أو عرق بقدونس، راس بصل، راس ملفوف، حبة بطاطا، عرنوس ذرة، رطل، كيلو، نصف كيلو، وقية، نصف وقية، دولار، نصف دولار، ربع دولار، عشرة سنت، خمسة سنت، سنت. |
-Realia -Picture dictionary -Video tape -Short story -Roll play
Students -make a trip to a farm and describe what they saw. |
Ailments |
Communications: Interpretive F.1. Identify or match pictures relating to oral or signed descriptions.
Connections: A.1. Reinforce knowledge of concepts and use skills from other disciplines.
Students will: -Learn the names of ailments. -express ailments with appropriate gesture and interjection. |
-Teacher points to her/his body parts and mentions the ailments in English. -Teacher points to her /his body parts and mentions the ailments in Arabic. -Students repeat the ailments after the teacher. -Teacher acts out the ailments with the appropriate gesture and interjection, for example, ouch!! |
ألم، وجع، مرض، رشح، انفلونزا، وجع أسنان، وجع بطن، مغص، التهاب حلق، التهاب لوز، صداع، ارتفاع حرارة، دوخة، غثيان، قحة، سعال، مرض قلب، ألم معدة |
-Pictures -Realia -Human body
-Pantomime -Label pictures -Describe pictures showing ailments. |
Senses &Tastes |
Connections: A.1. Acquire information and use skills from across disciplines.
Students will: -Learn the names of the five senses. -Learn the names of the tastes. -
-Teacher will act out the different tastes with the appropriate gestures. -Students will imitate the teacher. -Teacher shows pictures expressing reactions to certain tastes and describes each situation. -Teacher pantomimes tastes and students interpret what she is experiencing. -Students produce the interjection accompanying certain pictures. |
الحواس الخمسة، الشم، اللمس، الذوق، النظر، السمع،يرى، يسمع، يشم، يذوق، يلمس، معتم، مضيئ، عالي، منخفض، ناعم، خشن، حلو، حامض، مالح، مر، كريهة، عطرة ( طيبة) |
-Realia -Pictures -Roll play -Video tape |
-Students describe what is happening in a picture. |
Feelings |
Communications: Interpersonal A.1. Answer simple questions about feelings and emotions. |
Students will: -Learn the names of feelings. -Express feelings.
-Teacher shows faces showing different feelings and describes them. -Students repeat after the teacher. -One student points to a face and another describes the feeling. -TPR |
مريض، سعيد، تعبان، عطشان، جوعان، بردان، سخنان، حزين، خجول، خائف، فخور، فرحان، وحداني، مبتهج، غضبان، نعسان، طربان، مسرور، مبسوط، مالل |
-Posters -Realia -Pictures |
-Students describe the situation of pictures. |
Buildings & Places |
دار، مسجد أو جامع، مدرسة، مطعم، فندق، مطار، حديقة الحيوان، موقف الباصات، مكتبة، بقالة، محطة قطار، مكتب، طريق، مستشفى، مسبح، محطة وقود، مصنع، مركز شرطة، محطة إطفاء، مسرح، سيرك، سوق، شارع، طريق، شاطئ البحر، مدينة ألعاب، منتزه، صندوق بريد، متحف، شقة، رصيف، مصعد، هاتف عمومي، درج، محل ألعاب، ممر مشاة، موقف سيارات، صالون حلاقة، مغسلة، مكتب بريد، ملحمة، عيادة، مخبز، محل خضار وفواكه، صيدلية، بنك، عمارة، محل أدوات كهربائية، مختبر، مقهى، |