Ibn Bottota
Write a clear description of the activity and a detailed summary of what teaching and learning styles and strategies are used
Instructional Goals Aligned to National Foreign Language Learning Standards
List what you intend students will learn with this activity
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Describe the prior knowledge and skills students need to have to participate in this activity
Can Do Statements
Materials Needed
List the materials needed to complete this project in the classroom
Time Needed: 45 Mint
Write the time needed to complete the activity, including preparation time, lessons and activities, and assessment
Instructional Practices
For teacher to lead
Direct Instruction:
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
Reflection / Processing / Closing:
Academic Vocabulary
List and define new vocabulary used in this activity
Rubrics and questions for students to demonstrate proficiency
Student Work
Upload images, documents, pdfs, and/or videos that show examples of student work
Student Data
Classroom observations and examples of student progress and motivation
Additional Resources
List, upload and link to other resources to support the use of this project in the classroom, and include possible extensions