Ecosystem Story Book

Ecosystem Story Book

Description: Great way for students to explore biomes while using their creativity to show what they have learned, can be adapted for f2f, blended or online learning.  Was created as part of the Bio 11 curriculum but could be adapted for lower grades.

Objective: analyse the functional inter-relationships of organisms within an ecosystem


Movie or Storybook - 72 marks

Outcome : D1 analyse the functional inter-relationships of organisms within an ecosystem

Marking Rubric

In this assignment you will create a one of a kind organism and take us through A Day in the Life of your organism. Your organism will live in one of the world biomes as listed below. You will need to research a variety of things to have a better understanding of what your organism will encounter, so that you can create an organism well adapted to its environment.  Once you have posted your story you will then have to peer mark two other stories.

Your story will be put together

  • either in the form of a movie using movie technology of your choice.  Here are two options: goanimate or MeMoov (you will need to sign up for a free account and then have fun)
  • or as a children's book using Word, .pdf or PowerPoint.
  • or in Voicethread where you can narrate your story with background images

    World Biomes: Click on a biome to learn some important details about it. This is just a start; you will need to research more on your own.


tropical rain forest


temperate grassland

temperate deciduous forest


temperate rain forest


Here are the things to include in your project:
1. Climate - time of year, precipitation, temperature.
2. Food source for your organism (include its food web).
3. Plant life (vegetation).
4. Other animal life (fauna).
5. Where does your organism live (cave, underground, in a tree, etc...)?
6. What interactions does your organism have with other organisms? (parasitism, commensalism, mutualism or predator-prey)
7. Discuss any adaptations your organism has that makes it well suited for its biome.

Example of a Storybook

Checklist for this Assignment

  1. Research one biome from the list above.
  2. Create an organism and write a story about that organism and its life in the biome you choose.
  3. Submit your story.
  4. Be sure to add you name.
  5. Read/view two stories by your peers
  6. Mark the stories you read/viewed using this marking rubric and submit.

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