Lysogenic and Lytic Cycle

Lesson Plan

Biology 11- Lysogenic and Lytic Cycle


Stage 1 - Detailed Results

Established Goal(s):  The student will explain the lysogenic and lytic cycles.  a. identify the stages in each cycle.  b. compare and contrast the differences and similarities of both cycles.  c. identify the role of the host cell in viral reproduction.


Students will understand that…

Ø  There are several stages to the lysogenic and lytic cycles.

Ø  There are similarities and difference to the lysogenic and lytic cycles.

Ø  lysogenic cycle is a viral replication cycle in which the virus's nucleic acid is integrated into the host cell's chromosome, a provirus is formed and replicated each time the host cell divides, the host cell is not killed until the cycle is activated.

Ø  lytic cycle is a viral replication cycle in which a virus takes over a host cell's genetic material and uses the host cell's structures and energy to replicate until the host cell bursts, killing it.

Ø  Viruses require a host cell to replicate.

Ø  Viruses are specific to the type of cell they infect.

Essential Questions(s):


Ø  How do viruses infect cells?

Ø  What are the stages of the lysogenic cycle?

Ø  What are the stages of the lytic cycle?

Ø  How is the lysogenic cycle similar to the lytic cycle?

Ø  How is the lysogenic cycle different than the lytic cycle?

Ø  Why is a host cell required for viral replication?

Ø  Why do viruses only infect a specific type of host cell?  What is the current theory of viral specificity?

Students will know…

Ø  The stages of viral reproduction in both the lysogenic and the lytic cycles.

Ø  The differences between the lysogenic and the lytic cycle.

Ø  The vocabulary terms associated with viral reproduction.

Ø  Why viruses require host cells to reproduce.

Ø  Why viruses only infect certain cells.

Students will be able to…

Ø  Recognize, define, and use viral replication vocabulary in context

Ø  Use research skills to find out about the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles, why viruses need host cells to replicate, and why viruses only invade certain cells.

Ø  Express their finding in writing and orally using a recording device



Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):


Ø  Create a script to match the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles to a slide deck presentation.


Ø  Record the script a free online recorder into an mp3 podcast.


Ø  Create an essential question on viral reproduction, or viral specificity.


Ø  Answer one essential question.

Other Evidence:


Ø  Written response to another students question on viruses.


Ø  Correctly critique another student’s podcast.


Ø  Test on facts about the stages in the lysogenic and lytic cycles, the similarities and differences of the two cycles, and host cell specificity.



Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

Ø  Use the internet to research the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles, and viral specificity.

Ø  Cite a minimum of 3 resources using APA style.

Ø  Write a script to accompany an existing slide deck presentation on the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles. 

Ø  End the script with a generated question on either viral reproduction or viral specificity. 

Ø  Clearly label slide numbers within the script.

Ø  Record the script using a free online recording device and save the recording into an mp3 format.

Ø  Consistently use the word “next” in the mp3 recording to prompt movement through the slide deck.

Ø  Answer any one of the essential questions.

Ø  Upload the script, podcast, and answer to the essential question into the discussion forum to accompany the slide deck.

Ø  Critique another student’s podcast and answer the question they have posed in a reply to another students post.

Ø  Review the scoring rubric for the script, podcast, generated discussion question, response to essential question, and peer critique before beginning the performance tasks.


Ø   An alt-tag screen reader will be provided to read simple descriptions of the contents of each slide for students with visual impairment.



Does Not Meet Expectations 1 point

Meets Expectations 2 points

Exceeds Expectations 3 points

Podcast Script

The student has not attached their podcast script to accompany the audio file.

The student has attached their podcast script to accompany the audio file.     Logistical aspects are noted.  Slides are not clearly defined within the script.

The student attached their podcast script to accompany the audio file. Logistical aspects are clearly noted.  Slides are clearly defined within the script. Slide changes are consistently prompted by the work "Next." 

Podcast Content

The student's Slide Deck podcast is not well-articulated and does not clearly provide any perceived understanding of the concept being addressed.

The student's Slide Deck podcast is well-articulated and clearly provides some perceived understanding of the concept being addressed.

The student's Slide Deck podcast is well-articulated and clearly provides an understanding of the concept being addressed.


The student's Slide Deck podcast does not label the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles.

The student's Slide Deck podcast labels some the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles.

The student's Slide Deck podcast labels all the stages of the lysogenic and lytic cycles.

Audio Quality & Formatting

The recording quality of the podcast is poor.  The podcast has not been saved in the .mp3 format.

The recording quality of the podcast is acceptable.  The podcast has been saved in the .mp3 format.

The recording quality of the podcast is excellent.  The tone is professional, clear and the delivery is well-organized.  The podcast has been saved in the .mp3 format.

Formulate question

Student did not post a question for other students to answer.

Student posted a question for other students to answer.  Question was not well formulated.

Student posted a question for other students to answer.  Question was well formulated

Response to essential question

Student did not respond to essential question.

Student responded to essential question.  The answer to the question was not well formulated.

Student responded to essential question.  The answer to the question was well formulated.

Response to another students question

Student did not respond to another student question in the forum.

Student responded to another students question in the forum.  The answer to the question was not well formulated.

Student responded to another students question in the forum.  The answer to the question was well formulated.

Lysogenic and Lytic Cycle by Toni Kormish is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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