Health Activities





عندي ألم/وَجع  في كل مكان


هل أنتَ بخير؟


عندي حساسية


ما المشكلة؟


عندي زُكام


تبدو مريضاً


عندي إنفلوانزا


لا أشعر بخير


عندي حُمى


أشعر أني مريض


عندي إلتهاب في الحلق


أنا تعبان جداً


عندي صُداع


لم أنم جيداً أمس



Activity 1:

You are not feeling well today and your friend asks you what is wrong. How do you answer if……..

1-      You went to bed at 1 o’clock in the morning

2-      You are allergic to cats.

3-      You are very tired.

4-      You need some aspirin.

5-      You are sneezing and your nose is runny.

6-      You went to a soccer game yesterday and yelled a lot

7-      You have the flu


Activity 2

In pairs, decide the responses to the following prompts and write down these responses.

How do you feel if ….

  1. You've eaten too much pizza?
  2. You played a sport all day?
  3. You did one hundred sit-ups?
  4. You spent the last two hours jogging?
  5. You danced until late at night?
  6. You studied all night long for a test?
  7. You went to the dentist?
  8. You sat really close to the speakers at a rock concert last night?


Activity 3

In pairs, create and rehearse a minute-long phone conversation. One of the students didn't meet the other student after school. The second student is to find out what happened. The first student is to say that he/she is hurt and tells what happened. The second student is to react with sympathy, or, if the second student thinks that his/her friend is not telling the truth or simply making an excuse, he/she is to react appropriately.




Activity 4

 Each pair of you will present your conversation in front of the class for a speaking assessment.

When each pair present, you will write one thing you understood from the conversation for a listening assessment


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