B15 Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Children; Youth and Parents

Jared Martin


The CEBC (www.cebc4cw.org) is an online dissemination tool containing over 380 intervention and prevention programs with varying levels of supporting research evidence. The CEBC can be used by child and family-serving systems and organizations to identify new practices for implementation; however; knowledge alone of available practices is not sufficient for selecting the right one. The CEBC has created a guide to help child- and family-serving agencies think critically through the selection and implementation process. This workshop will walk participants through the process of how to assess agency needs; determine whether changes to the agency are needed and successfully select a new program to best meet the needs of the children and families being served.

Download: B15_C15_Selecting_and_Implementing_Evidence-Based_Practices_for_Children_Youth_and_Parents.pdf

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