4.NF.B.4b Multiply Fractions on a Number Line
4.NF.B.4b Multiply Fractions on a Number Line
Evidence Statement 4.C.7-4 Base explanations /reasoning on a number line diagram ( whether provided in the prompt or constructed by the student in their response)
Alisa's Walk
Alisa’s family is taking a trip to the beach.
Their house is ¼ mile from the ocean.
If Alisa walks to and from the beach every day, how far will she walk over 5 days?
Explain how to find the total distance Alisa walked using the number line.
Enter your answer and explanation in the space provided.
A number line 0 to 5 that is partitioned into eighths.
Student Copy
Scoring Rubric
Score | Description |
3 | Student responses includes the following 3 elements: Reasoning Component= 2 points Valid explanation of how to find 2/4 using the number line Valid explanation of how to 5 x 2/4 using the number line Computation Component= 1 point Correct product - 2 1/2 miles or equivalent fraction |
2 | Student response includes 2 of the 3 elements. |
1 | Student response includes 1 of the 3 elements |
0 | Student response is incorrect or invalid. |