F1 Returning to the Heartbeat That Heals

Tony Redhouse


Tony Redhouse is a Native American (Dine') Sound Healer; Spiritual Teacher; 2016 Inductee to the Tucson Musicians Museum; and award winning recording artist who uses his voice and music to inspire and heal lives. He has served as a traditional Native American practitioner & consultant to Native American communities and behavioral health organizations by sharing spiritual interactive workshops. Using the ancient sounds of the Voice; the Drum and the Flute; Tony Redhouse will guide us back to the simplicity and beauty of who we are and why we are here. In Native American Tradition; these primal and true expressions of our Soul allowed us to create ceremony; tell our stories and to celebrate Life. Tony will use drums and dance during interactive segments with attendees; allowing them to energetically feel the uniting of intention to support each other in their service to their communities. Mr. Redhouse will share the importance of following our heart's "beat;" to inspire us to open our lives; become vulnerable and to "soar" with the freedom and Joy that is our natural birthright!

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