F8 Using a Brief Intervention for Children and Caregivers to Support Placement Stability

Katie Martens; Elizabeth Mota


Young foster children are at high risk for mental health difficulties; which may make adjusting to a new home difficult and imperil the security of the placement. Indeed; externalizing behaviors in young children are one of the strongest predictors of placement disruption; and having one disruption increases the risk of future disruptions. In an effort to stabilize placements and reduce children’s mental health difficulties; we offer Parent-Child Care (PC-CARE); a 6-week parenting intervention; to all newly placed foster children aged 1-5 years in Sacramento County. In this presentation; we will describe the PCCARE model and present results of the effectiveness of the program.

Download: F8--_Using_a_Brief_Intervention_for_Children_and_Caregivers_to_Support_Placement_Stability.pdf

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