Quiz RL.3: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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Quiz RL.3

The following quotation comes from Ken Kesey's 1962 novel, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”. Read the conversation between Ms. Flinn and Miss. Ratched, then answer the questions which follow.

Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

"What, Miss Ratched, is your opinion of this new patient? I mean, gee, he's good-looking and friendly and everything, but in my humble opinion he certainly takes over."

The Big Nurse tests a needle against her fingertip. "I'm afraid"-she stabs the needle down in the rubber-capped vial and lifts the plunger-"that is exactly what the new patient is planning: to take over. He is what we call a 'manipulator,' Miss Flinn, a man who will use everyone and everything to his own ends."

"Oh. But. I mean, in a mental hospital? What could his ends be?"

"Any number of things." She's calm, smiling, lost in the work of loading the needles. "Comfort and an easy life, for instance; the feeling of power and respect, perhaps; monetary gain-perhaps all of these things. Sometimes a manipulator's own ends are simply the actual disruption of the ward for the sake of disruption. There are such people in our society. A manipulator can influence the other patients and disrupt them to such an extent that it may take months to get everything running smooth once more. With the present permissive philosophy in mental hospitals, it's easy for them to get away with it. Some years back it was quite different. I recall some years back we had a man, a Mr. Taber, on the ward, and he was an intolerable Ward Manipulator. For a while." She looks up from her work, needle half filled in front of her face like a little wand. Her eyes get far-off and pleased with the memory. "Mistur Tay-bur," she says.

"But, gee," the other nurse says, "what on earth would make a man want to do something like disrupt the ward for, Miss Ratched? What possible motive ...?"

She cuts the little nurse off by jabbing the needle back into the vial's rubber top, fills it, jerks it out, and lays it on the tray. I watch her hand reach for another empty needle, watch it dart out, hinge over it, drop.

"You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane." (1.4.2-8)

- Ken Kesey (1962)

1. How does Nurse Flinn feel about the new patient? Does Nurse Ratched feel the same way?




2. According to Nurse Ratched, what are the reasons a “manipulator” would have for taking over a mental ward?




3. How are Nurse Ratched and Nurse Flinn different? Cite specific passages to justify your answer.




4. At the end of the passage, Nurse Ratched tells Nurse Flinn, “ You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane.” What is she trying to remind Nurse Flinn about? What does Nurse Ratched's statement here tell us about her personality?




5. Which Nurse do you think is in control of the ward, Nurse Flinn, or Nurse Ratched? Why? (Cite specific passages to justify your answer.)




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