Sub Claim D: 5.D.1 Computing Fractions

Fifth Grade Field Trip

There are 130 5th grade students on a field trip. Of these 130 students,  of those students went to the art history exhibit, and,  of those students who went to the art history exhibit also went to the animal exhibit. How many students on the field trip went to both the art history exhibit and the animal exhibit? How many students went to the art history exhibit but did not go to the animal exhibit? Show your work and explain your answers.


Score 3

Student response includes each of the following 3 elements.

·      Computation component = 1 point

o   The student provides the correct number of students who went to both exhibits.

·      Computation component = 1 point

o   The student provides the correct number of people who went to the art history exhibit but not the animal exhibit.

·      Modeling component = 1 point

o   The student provides correct work or explanation

Score 2

Student response includes 2 of the above elements.

Score 1

Student response includes 1 of the above elements.

Score 0

Student response is incorrect or irrelevant.

Download: Fifth_Grade_Field_Trip_5.D.1.OER.docx

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