Two Way Prepositions

Two Way Prepositions

Google Docs Link - Description: The Classroom


ACTFL Standard(s)

Communication: Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

Comparisons: Language Comparisons

Learning Target

I can ask about and identify familiar things in a picture from a story using two way prepositions, wechselpräpositionen.



Quizlet Link


Padlet Link/ Content

Padlet Link



Your family just recently moved to Germany.  You are checking out new classrooms (pictures on the padlet) and decide to tell your friends at home about them.  Write an example conversation you would have with one of your friends telling them where things are located in the classroom and them telling you how that is different than/the same as in America. Refer to the picture for reference to where things are.  

You must include the following in your conversation.

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