Expressing Needs and Making Plans

Expressing Needs and Making Plans

Google Docs Link - Description: Verbs


ACTFL Standard(s)

Communication: Interpersonal and Interpretive Communication

Connections: Making Connections:

Learning Target

I can make plans and invite someone to do something or go somewhere in a city.



Quizlet Link


Padlet Link/ Content

Padlet Link



Become familiar with the tourism in Liechtenstein.    Pick two or three places that you would be very interested in visiting.  They may be tourist sites, nature sites, restaurants, hotels, etc. Using the new information learned you are going to make a 20 line dialogue between two people making plans in Liechtenstein.  Refer to the specific sites you picked from the website. Your dialogue must be written in a dialogue format between two people.  Review your padlet if you are not sure what this looks like.

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