
Lesson Topic: Modified Cricket

Lesson Description:

This is a variation of the game Cricket that is played with a bat and a ball and is similar to baseball/softball.  Prior to this lesson you will have played baseball/softball and worked with the students on catching fly balls, fielding ground balls, practiced hitting techniques, etc…

Learning Goals/Outcomes:

TLW perform and refine skills necessary to play Cricket

TLW apply the rules and understanding of terminology to actively participate in Cricket

Nebraska Standards:

PE.HS.1 Foundations For Physical Education and Fitness

PE.HS.14 Lifetime Activities 

PE.HS.15 Team Games 

Teacher Planning:

Divide students into 2 teams i.e. hitting team, fielding team.  Ask the fielding team to spread out on the court, field, etc… Ask the hitting team to line up against a wall, line, etc…  Ask for the students attention and Explain to the fielding team they are attempting to get hitters out by tagging a runner, catching a fly ball, or touching the base w/ the ball prior to the hitter getting there.  Explain to the pitcher they are throwing a bounce pass to the batter. The goal of the fielding team is to get 3 outs and then fielding and hitting teams switch roles.

Then, explain to the hitting team they are hitting a “bounced ball” and run to first base like you would in baseball/softball.   The goal as the hitter is to get to every base safely and get back to home plate to score a run.

You can keep score if you would like or just play till the class period is over.  

Equipment/Materials Needed:

Bat, Foam Cage Ball, Bases

Time Required for Lesson:

20-40 minutes


Baseball/Softball Field, Gymnasium

Technology Use:

_____ YES               ____x_NO

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity: Students will have already participated in our baseball/softball units.

Benefits/Explanation/Real-World Connection: Recreational game that is played with minimal equipment and can be set up in most recreational spaces.

Activities (i.e. instructions, warm-up, lesson, cool-down): Students will have participated in a warm-up of the teachers choice prior to playing cricket.

Variations:  Play until everyone has had a chance to hit every inning.  Play by just using second base as the only base. You can make second a big base and let up to 3 people be on a base at once before they have to try and run back to home.

Assessment :

Students will have taken unit tests on baseball/softball rules and skills prior to playing cricket.  

Supplemental Information:

Modifications: Play until everyone has had a chance to hit every inning.  Play by just using second base as the only base. You can make second a big base and let up to 3 people be on a base at once before they have to try and run back to home.

Safety Precautions: Keep members of the hitting team clear of the hitters.  Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.):  Play until everyone has had a chance to hit every inning.  Play by just using second base as the only base. You can make second a big base and let up to 3 people be on a base at once before they have to try and run back to home.

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