친구 만나서 영화를 봤어요 / Watching Movies with Friends, Novice High, Korean 201, Lab 05

Please Note: Many of the activities on the Pathways Project OER Repository were created by upper-division students at Boise State University and serve as a foundation that our community of practice can build upon and refine. While they are polished, we welcome and encourage collaboration from language instructors to help modify grammar, syntax, and content where needed. Kindly contact pathwaysproject@boisestate.edu with any suggestions and we will update the content in a timely manner.  — The Pathways Project

About the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) Language Activity Repository

The activities provided by the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) serve as foundational activities which can be adapted by any language and scaled up or down on the proficiency scale. Many of these activities offer an English Version that is “language-agnostic” to provide language instructors from around the country a platform to remix these instructional materials, infusing them with their target language and culture! The activities within the Pathways Project OER Repository seek to help students solidify their interpersonal speaking and interpretive skills through task-based situations or communicative activities. These activities should be facilitated in the target language for approximately 90% (or more), per the recommendation of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

How to use the WLRC Repository’s Activities:

1. Use the Activity as is:

Before you begin:

  • Most activities are 30 minutes in duration, unless otherwise specified.
  • Be sure to read through the activity description, and review the list of required materials. You will notice that the activity materials are also highlighted in yellow throughout the activity instructions.

If you have any suggestions about grammar, syntax, and content, please kindly contact pathwaysproject@boisestate.edu.

2. Remix for Your Language Classroom:

When you are ready to begin remixing the activity, in order to adapt it for the needs of your language classroom, simply click the blue “Remix This Resource” button at the top of your screen. This will then take you to a screen with a NEW, editable version of this activity. The text provided in purple is a suggestion of what you might say to your students in the target language, and may be altered for different levels and age groups. All activities have “NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do” statements, a warm-up, a main activity, and a wrap-up.

Many of the activities include printable cards and other instructional materials such as Google Slideshows. If you would like to make changes to these materials for your classroom, follow the instructions below:

  • Google Slideshows:
    • To begin, go to File -> Copy to create an editable version of the slideshow.
    • Once finished with your changes, please complete the following steps to share:
    • Click on Share
    • Who Has Access
    • Ensure link sharing is on and allow external access.
  • Materials Saved as PDF: Please email pathwaysproject@boisestate.edu and we will provide you with an editable copy. Please allow up to two business days for a response. For YouTube videos and other websites, hyperlinks are provided. 

3. Adapt for Another Language:

  • See the linked English Version at the top of the activity (English Version may not be available for all activities)

친구 만나서 영화를 봤어요 Novice Mid/High


Students will practice asking about the daily routines of their peers. They will also be able to describe their own daily activities to others. 

Proficiency Level:

Novice Mid/High


Daily tasks, routines, school, meal, sleep, activity, hobby

NCSSFL-ACTFL World Readiness Standards:

  • Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Students show an understanding of the cultural usage of kinship terms and titles to address and refer to people.
  • Students use Korean vocabulary to share or present simple facts learned from other disciplines such as history, science, and music.

Idaho State World Language Standards:

  • COMM 1.1: Interact and negotiate meaning (spoken, signed, written conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinion.
  • CLTR 1.1: Analyze the cultural practices/patterns of behavior accepted as the societal norm in the target culture. 
  • COMP 1.1:  Observe formal and informal forms of language.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • In my own and other cultures I can interpret simple schedules and consider how people think about time. (Intercultural)
  • I can understand questions about someone's social schedule. (Novice High)
  • I can tell the a peer or colleague what I did this weekend. (Novice High)
  • I can describe a simple routine, such as getting lunch at a cafeteria or restaurant. (Novice High)

Materials Needed:


Dry-erase marker and eraser

Activity Cards

Google Slides


1. Begin by introducing the Can-Dos for today’s activity and opening the Google Slideshow on the projector. 
오늘의 학습목표를 소개하고 구글슬라이드를 여세요.

  • (Today, I'm going to explain to a friend an action or activity that you do every day. We're going to talk about it using correct grammar.) "오늘은 여러분들이 매일 하는 행동이나 활동을 친구에게 설명해줄 거예요. 설명할 때 정확한 문법을 사용하면서 대화를 해봅시다." 

2. Ask students about their daily routine.
학생들에게 매일 하는 일이 무엇인지 물어보세요.

  • (What activities do you do every day?) “여러분들이 매일 하는 활동은 뭔 가요?"

If students need some assistance in getting the discussion going, use the questions below.
학생들이 대화를 하는 데 있어서 도움을 필요로 한다면 아래의 질문을 이용하세요.

1. Where does Suyeon eat? 

2. What does Dohyun do after school?

3. What does Younghyun do before practicing musical instruments?

4. When does Jin wake up?

5. What does Yoon do before bed?

6. What does Dongwon do in the market?

7. Does Hyojung cook before eating?

 1. 수연이는 어디서 밥을 먹어요?

2. 도현이는 학교 끝나고 뭐해요?

3. 영현이는 악기 연습하기 전에 뭐해요?

4. 성진이는 언제 일어나요? 

5. 지윤이는 잠 자기 전에 뭐해요?

6. 동원이는 시장에 가서 뭐해요?

 7. 효정이는 밥 먹 전에 요리를 하나요?

Main Activity

1. Review the expressions students started learning last week by going through the Google slide.
구글슬라이드를 이용하여 지난주에 배운 표현들을 복습하세요.

  • When ~을 때
  • After ~아/어서
  • Before ~기 전에

2. Ask students to generate some examples that use the expressions we reviewed.
학생들이 복습한 표현을 이용하여 문장을 만들도록 하세요.

  • (Make up a question using the expressions you learned last week.)
    "저번 주에 배웠던 표현들을 사용해서 질문을 만들어 보세요."

3. Either by using examples from step 2 or by forming new questions, students will practice using the expression in a conversation.
학생들이 배운 표현을 대화에 사용해봅시다. Step2의 예시를 이용하거나 새로운 질문을 만들 수 있습니다.

  • Ex) What is Lazy doing before class?
  • 예) 지연이는 수업 가기 전에 뭐해요?

4. The student being asked will answer the question. The student who asked the question will write down keywords from the answer she received on the question card.
질문을 받으면 대답하세요. 질문을 한 학생은 들은 대답의 키워드를 질문 카드에 쓰세요.

  • I have breakfast before class.
  • 저는 수업 가기 전에 아침을 먹어요.

5. The students will repeat these steps with a different classmate.
다른 학생들과 이 과정을 반복하세요.

6. When the students had the chance to converse with all of their classmates, we will have the students introduce other student's schedule and their activities.
학생들이 서로 대화하는 시간을 가진 후, 서로의 스케쥴을 소개하는 시간을 가지세요.

  • Ex) Lazy has breakfast before class
  • 지연이는 수업 가기 전에 아침을 먹어요


Ask the following questions to finish the lab(이 질문으로 랩을 마무리하세요): 

  • 1(How similar is your friend's routine to mine?)
    친구의 루틴과 나의 루틴은 얼마나 비슷하나요?  
  • 2(What do you do every day?)
    여러분들이 매일 하는 행동은 뭐가 있나요?
  • 3. (Are you planning to change my routine this semester?)
    이번학기에 나의 루틴을 바꿀 생각이 있어요?

End of lab:

• Read Can-Do statements once more and have students evaluate their confidence. 
(Use thumbs up/thumbs down or download our student cards.) 
• Encourage students to be honest in their self-evaluation.
• Pay attention, and try to use feedback for future labs!

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • I can understand questions about someone's social schedule.
  • I can tell a peer or colleague what I did this weekend.
  • I can describe a simple routine, such as getting lunch at a cafeteria or restaurant

Where are we? Rate yourself on the weekly Can-Do Statements using this scale: I get it!, I got it!, I kind of get it..., I don't get it...
Where are we? Rate yourself on the weekly Can-Do Statements using this scale: I get it!, I got it!, I kind of get it..., I don't get it..

Where are we? Rate yourself on the weekly Can-Do Statements using this scale: I get it!, I got it!, I kind of get it..., I don't get it...

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