4 (I included elements beyond what was required) |
3 (I included all of the elements) |
2 (I included some of the elements) |
1 (with help) |
Theme |
I chose one theme for my autobiography, and the purpose is very clear. |
I chose a clear theme or purpose for my autobiography. |
I chose a theme or purpose that is unclear in areas. |
I did not choose a theme or purpose for my autobiography. |
Elaboration |
I support my theme with rich events, facts, examples, pictures, and details. |
I support my theme with facts, examples, and pictures. |
I support some parts of my theme or purpose with facts, examples, or pictures. |
I did not choose a theme or purpose for my autobiography. |
Word Choice |
My word choices make my autobiography interesting and engaging. |
Most of my word choices are interesting and engaging. |
I try to choose interesting words, but sometimes my word choices are predictable. |
My word choices are predictable. |
Organization |
My autobiography is logically organized in a way makes sense to the audience. |
My autobiography is organized. |
My autobiography is organized in some parts. |
My autobiography is unorganized. |
Transitions |
My information flows smoothly from one piece of information to the next. |
My information flows from one piece of information to the next. |
Most of my information flows from one piece of information to the next. |
My information does not flow from one piece of information to the next. |
Format |
I used many formatting tools to help make my presentation better. |
I used some formatting tools to help make my presentation better. |
I tried to use a formatting tool to make my presentation better. |
I did not use a formatting tool. |
Creativity |
My presentation has unusual and surprising features that help readers understand the kind of person I am. |
My presentation has surprising facts about my life. |
My presentation has some unknown facts about my life. |
My presentation has only predictable facts about my life. |
Conventions |
My presentation has no spelling, grammatical, or typing errors. |
My presentation has one or two minor spelling, grammatical, or typing errors. |
My presentation has many spelling and grammatical errors. |
My presentation has so many errors that the presentation is hard to understand. |