The Business Model

The Business Model

  • Use the Business Model Canvas or a similar tool to describe and analyze the proposed venture’s business mode

lnitial Business Plan Draft

 Create Your Template

  • Prepare a template by using the business plan outline to create headings in Word from which to later automatically generate a table of contents

Draft Introduction

  • Write the following sections:

  • a brief description of your business concept

    • Is this a product or service? Clarify what your concept is with words.

  • a brief description of the purpose for your business idea

    • This is your “why” statement. Why this business idea?

  • a brief history and description of the evolution of the business concept

    • How did you arrive at this idea? Expand upon you why statement.

  • a vision

    • Where do you want your company to be in the future? Describe.

  • a mission

    • Why does your organization exist?

  • a values statements

    • What are your guiding perspectives?

  • a first draft set of goals

    • Focus on both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are up to one year. Long-term goals are one year or more.


Adapted from Business Plan Development Guide

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