
Assignment:        Spiritual Health Exploration


                                    Grade:  20%

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, the student will:


(a)        Explore spiritual health from a personal perspective

(b)       Illustrate the holistic relationship of spiritual health with other dimensions of health

(c)        Create a classroom appropriate exhibit that showcases their spirituality

(d)       Compose and share a narrative explaining their exhibit

(e)        Witness and appreciate the uniqueness of spirituality



1.     The exhibit will be due and presented on ______.

2.     You will have maximum 10 minutes to present your exhibit.

3.     The exhibit is to be an expression of your individual spirituality, as you know it now.

4.      You choose the format/style/materials for your exhibit but it must be original content.

5.     Your presentation will include a narrative highlighting the central theme of your exhibit.

6.     There will be no Q&A or discussion component, but there will be an opportunity to mingle and share    following the presentations.


Resources for Reflection

§  Textbook

§  Course Module

§  http://swc.osu.edu/about-us/spirituality/

§  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirituality

§  http://createbalanceandfindinghappiness.wordpress.com/2013/07/01/defininh-spirituality-to-live-a-happier-healthier-life/






Student # _____ 

Date: ________ 



Below Average

0-2 points


3-4 points


5 points


Exhibit demonstrates holistic nature of dimensions of health

Limited understanding of holistic health demonstrated

Some understanding of holistic health demonstrated

Considerable understanding of holistic health demonstrated

__ x 3 = ___

Exhibit demonstrates effort and creativity

Limited effort and creativity in presentation demonstrated

Some effort and creativity in presentation demonstrated

Considerable effort and creativity demonstrated

__ x 3 = ___

Narrative delivered clearly, concise and summarizes theme of exhibit

Limited explanation of exhibit and no summary of theme. Not clear or concise

Some explanation of exhibit but no summary of theme. Delivery clear and concise

Considerable, clear & concise explanation of exhibit including summary of theme


__ x 3 = ___





Spiritual Health Exploration by Denise Andersen is licensed undera Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0







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