
Chapter 11 – Evolution and its Processes

  1. ____________________ is the process through which the characteristics of species change over time and through which new species arise.

11.1: Discovering How Populations Change

  1. Name three scientists in the 18th century who proposed ideas about evolution.
  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  1. Who proposed that geological change occurred gradually over long period of times?
  2. Which geologist was a friend of Charles Darwin and influenced Darwin’s thinking?
  3. Briefly explain Lamarck’s mechanism of evolution which was referred to as inheritance of acquired characteristics.
  4. Charles Darwin and Natural Selection
  1. From 1831 to 1836, Darwin traveled around the world on ____. ____. _____. ____________. From 1854 to 1862 _______________ traveled to Brazil to collect insects from the Amazon rainforest.
  2. In different places, Darwin observed species of organisms on different islands were similar yet had distinguishing characteristics.
  3. What did Darwin observe about the ground finches that inhabited the Galapagos Islands?  What did he conclude as a result of these observations?

  1. What is the name of the mechanism that Darwin proposed by which evolution occurs?
  2. What are the three principles that occur in nature that allows Natural Selection to take place?
  1. ____________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Out of these three principles, Darwin and Wallace reasoned that:
  1. ____________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Darwin called his mechanism of evolution ________________________ ___________________  _____________________________
  1. Variation and Adaptation
  1. Natural selection can only take place if there is ________________ among individuals in a population. These differences must have a genetic basis, or selection will not lead to change in the population.
  1. What are the two main sources of genetic diversity in a population?
  1. _______________________________
  2. _______________________________
  1. What are the three possible outcomes that a mutation has on an organism’s phenotype?
  1. ____________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Define adaptation –
  1. Patterns of Evolution
  1. Evolution that results in two species evolving in different directions from a common starting point is called ________________________________________
  2. Similar phenotypes that evolve independently in distantly related species, such as the wings of birds and bats, which are similar but have very different origins. This  is called __________________________________________________. These structures are called _________________________________ because they are similar in function and appearance but have no origin in a common ancestor.
  3. The wings of a hummingbird and an ostrich share similarity due to arising from a common ancestor are referred to as ___________________________________.
  1. The Modern Synthesis (Briefly outline and explain the modern synthesis as it is explained in your textbook in the space provided below).
  2. Population Genetics (Briefly explain the concept of population genetics in the space provided below)
  1. Gene pool –
  2. Briefly outline and explain the Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium (this concept explains why dominant alleles do not eliminate recessive alleles in a population).
  3. Name the four most important evolutionary forces that can disrupt the Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium by shifting allele frequencies in a population.
  1. ____________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Name the fifth evolutionary force that will disrupt the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by only shifting genotype frequencies, not allele frequencies.
  1. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Briefly explain why genetic diseases remain in a population at very low frequencies.
  2. Briefly explain the special case of natural selection called sexual selection.
  3. List the two ways that sexual selection can occur

11.2 Mechanisms of Evolution

  1. Restate the Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium principle below and in the provided spaces below briefly explain the four factors that can change them.
  1. Natural Selection
  2. Mutation
  3. Genetic Drift
  1. Bottleneck effect
  2. Founder effect –
  1. Gene flow 

11.3: Evidence of Evolution

  1. Fossils (explain below how fossils provide evidence that evolution occurs in populations)
  2. Anatomy and Embryology
  1. Vestigial structures (define and list examples below)
  2. How is a convergence of form in organism seen as evidence of evolution?
  3. Define embryology and explain how it provides evidence of evolution.
  1. Biogeography
  2. Molecular Biology

11.4: Speciation

  1. Define what a species (the definition that works for sexually reproducing organisms) is.
  1. What is speciation?
  1. Allopatric speciation
  2. Sympatric speciation
  1. Speciation through Geographical Separation
  1. Dispersal –
  2. Vicariance –
  3. Adaptive radiation
  1. Speciation without Geographical Separation
  1. Autopolyploidy –
  2. Alloploidy –
  1. List examples of alloploidy (why is it common in plants but not animals)

11.5: Common Misconceptions about Evolution

  1. Evolution is Just a Theory (explain how the scientific definition of theory is different from the layman’s understanding of a theory)
  2. Individuals Evolve (explain why this statement is false)
  3. Evolution Explains the  Origin of Life (Why is this statement false?)
  4. Organisms Evolve on Purpose
  5. Evolution is Controversial among Scientists
  6. Other Theories Should be Taught
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