Rural Sociology

Meaning of Rural Sociology:

India is basically a land of villages. Rural sociology is the sociology of the village or village society. 

It is a branch of sociology which studies rural society. Rural sociology studies the relations of the people who live in the villages. 

It is just like a mirror of the rural social life. It provides a detailed study of knowledge about different aspects of rural life, its problems, its culture, its religion, its economic and political life. 

The Indian society has a euphoria for village life. The village society is considered as the backbone of Indian society. Millions of money has been spent on the development of villages. The basic aim of the study of rural sociology is to make the village people self sufficient and also link them with the wider society at regional and national levels. 

Due to historical reasons, the existing Indian rural society has become a veritable mosaic of various types of rural societies and hence reveals a diversified cultural pattern. To reconstruct our rural society, it is urgently necessary to study not only the economic forces but also the social, the ideological and oilier forces operating in our society. It is a very complex and colossal task. 

“Indian rural sociology or the science of the laws governing the specific Indian rural and social organisation has still to be created. Such a science is, however, the basic premise for the renovation of the Indian rural society, so indispensable for the renovation of the Indian society as a whole.” — A.R.Desai

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