World War One Propaganda

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World War One Propaganda

Directions: Use the primary sources and links provided to analyze and interpret propaganda from World War One.

1.  Listen to the enormously popular song “Over There.” (headphones needed)What was Cohan urging men to do? What emotions were the song’s lyrics trying to arouse? How would you interpret the lines, “Make your daddy glad” and “To be proud her boy’s in line”?
2. Research three “Four Minute Men Speeches” from History Matters. What are these speeches asking the American public to do? What about these speeches seem realistic/unrealistic?
Poster Directions: Examine and carefully analyze 3 World War propaganda posters from the Library of Congress and answer the following questions in the box beside each poster. Choose any THREE posters to analyze. 1.  Which of the following propaganda techniques is being used?  More than one may be used.·      Portrayal of American and Allied servicemen in the best possible light·      Portrayal of the enemy in the worst possible light·      Portrayal of the American and Allied cause as just and the enemy’s cause as unjust·      Message to civilians that they were being involved in the war effort in important ways·      Communication of a sense of urgency to civilians2.  What symbols are used which support the propaganda technique?3.  Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or both?4.  What does the Government hope the audience will do?  What is the intended reaction of the audience?

Poster title:Your analysis:
Poster title:Your analysis:
Poster title: Your analysis:

World War One Propaganda Analysis: 

  1. In your opinion, which sources were the most effective? Which ones were inappropriate? Explain your answer.
  1. Is government-sponsored propaganda during wartime a good thing? Why or why not?
  1. Is there a danger that government-sponsored propaganda can be carried too far? Do you think that was the case during WWI? Explain.
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