Creating 3-D Models using Sketch-Up (view)

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Creating 3-D Models using Sketch-Up
Learning goals:
Engineering and design, 3-D design
Engineering Activity, Design, 3-D design, architecture, computer modeling


The project objective is to have students make a realistic 3-D model that is to scale. Student Mission: Your objective is to create a 3-D model of a building of your choice or imagination. The building must be to scale relative to an average-sized person. You make recreate a dwelling, barn or famous building OR create your dream home. Your building must be to scale and should be finished (windows, roof, shutters, steps, furniture, etc.). The outside of your building should include some surrounding features (e.g. bushes, trees, sidewalks, street, shed, etc.). Your final project should incorporate the elements listed on the rubric and be as detailed as possible. Be creative!