Handbook on Transnational Entrepreneurship and Effective Internationalisation Strategies for Spin Offs

The Handbook on Transnational Entrepreneurship and Effective Internationalisation Strategies for Spin Offs has been developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project called Global Spin, a Corporate Learning Programme to help Spin-Offs, Start-Ups and entrepreneurs in general to design and undertake internationalisation strategies and for their global talent management. Authors are the seven project partners:

  • CCS Digital Education (Greece)

  • University of Patras (Greece)

  • Advancis Business Services, Lda. (Portugal)

  • Vaasa University of Applied Sciences Finland)

  • Promimpresa srl (Italy)

  • Inova Consultancy (United Kindom)
  • Fundación General Universidad de Granada Empresa (Spain)

The programme is divided into three units, containing ten pillars each one, completed by a forth section of Success and Failure Cases about “Commercialization of new products and services abroad” and “Attracting and recruiting international high-qualified human capital”.  

Unit 1 is dedicated to the Learning and Growing for Transnational Entrepreneurs and is focused on sub-sections such as an “Orientation towards Innovation” and the “Management of Multicultural Organisations and Teams.” Unit 2 addresses the Commercialisation of Products and Services, working to provide insight into subjects such as “Company Branding” and “Digital International Marketing Strategies.” Finally, Unit 3 is oriented towards helping companies with Recruiting Global Talent and includes pillars such as “How to Keep Your Top Talent” and “Mentoring Strategies for Integration and Success.”

Together, these pillars and units, as well as the real cases, offer a complete study process that can help Academic Spin-offs and Start-ups have a competitive edge in the international markets.

This is available in six languages: English, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Finish and Portuguese. All of them can be downloaded from here: https://globalspin.eu/results/

Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
eu_flag_co_funded_pos_rgb_left.jpgCo-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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