Engineering Tools - Egg Obstacle Course

Engineering Tools Web Quest                 Name _______________________

Use the Internet or your previous knowledge to answer the following questions. Provide at least a 2 to 3 sentence description of each question. (2 sentences = 2 points each – 26 points total)

1. Define or describe what a tool and a machine are? Discuss similarities and differences.


2. Identify and describe 3 forms of simple machines? Describe their function or use and provide an example of each.




3. Identify and describe 3 materials in which tools and machines are made of? What are their properties?




4. Identify and describe 3 types of Engineers which would be involved in the design, construction or manufacturing of tools or machines? What is their job function and how does this relate to tools or machines?




5. Describe and define linear motion? What is an example of a tool or machine that has linear motion and how does it function?


6. Describe and define reciprocating motion? What is an example of a tool or machine that has reciprocating motion and how does it function?


7. Describe and define oscillating motion? What is an example of a tool or machine that has osculating motion and how does it function?


Egg Obstacle Course Challenge – Think Like an Engineer

Group # ______  Name___________   Name___________        Name___________

Have you ever wondered how some work groups exhibit effective teamwork and others remain dysfunctional for the life of the team? Effective teamwork is both profoundly simple and difficult at the same time. The factors that affect success in teamwork occur both within the team itself and in the work environment in which the team must function. The team understands the goals and communication is key.


You are challenged to …

Successfully, transport the egg though the obstacle course in the shortest amount of time using only the materials given without touching or dropping the egg. Groups will modify the materials to create tools to aid in this process.

 Brainstorm and Design

 Look at your materials and think about the rules and restrictions below. Then sketch your ideas on a piece of paper or in your design notebook.

- Everyone in the group must participate in the processes of navigating the obstacle course.

- No one can take two turns in a row.

- Every tool created can only be used once during the course. If you modify a material into multiple pieces and create several tools you may use the material to do this, but the tool only once. No materials can remain in their original state, they must be modified to create a tool. The new tool must be constructed from at least 2 items.

- No one’s skin or clothing can touch the egg. You cannot modify the egg or adhere anything to it. 

- You may set items or tools on the course, but you cannot adhere them to the course obstacles or surface. 

- You only use the materials listed and will not get replacement materials. Use them wisely! 


- Plastic Spoon

- 2- Regular Pencils (with no point)

- 3 – 16 inch Straws

- 2 – 5 x 8 index cards

- 1 Paper Lunch Bag

- 1 Envelope

- 2 Paint Stir Sticks

- 2 Tongue Depressors

- 8 Craft Sticks  

- 2 Large Paper Clips

- 1 – 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper


Think of different ways to put it all together and use the materials to tools to aid in the process. Think like an engineer, use simple machines or information from the Engineering Tool Webquest.

Test, Evaluate, Redesign

Use the Materials to build your tools. When you test it, your design may not work as planned. If things don't work out, it's an opportunity—not a mistake! When engineers solve a problem, they try different ideas, learn from mistakes, and try again. Study the problems and then redesign.

Evaluation      - Total of 5 official tries (3 will be timed and 2 if you have issues or violations. If your third, fourth, or fifth try involves a violation you will lose a timed run)

Egg Obstacle Course Test (Based was class best) = 10 pts = ____________

-          Your results were in the top 20% of the class – 10 pts

-          Your results were in the top 40% of the class – 9 pts

-          Your results were in the top 60% of the class – 8 pts

-          Remainder of timed participants - 7 pts

-          Completed at least ¾ of the course – 6 pts

-          Completed at least ½  of the course – 5 pts

-          Completed at least ¼   of the course – 4 pts

-          Begins but fails to complete effectively – 3 pts

-          Unable to begin – 0 pts



5 - Advanced

4 - Proficient

3 or 2 - Basic

1 or 0 - Below Basic


Design / Creativity of the Tools

Extremely creative and thoughtful use of materials available to them. Design showed features that require extensive thought and consideration. All tools are made from at least 3 materials.

Very creative and thoughtful use of materials available to them. A tool or two lacks luster or displays basic design thought. Most designs show features that require some thought and consideration.

Design is somewhat creative in using materials available to them. Most of the tools are made of only 2 items and the modifications to at least half the materials are simple at best.

Design is not original and lacks luster. All tools are made from 2 materials or less. 


Detail / Complexity of the Tools

Products meet all parts of challenge. Obvious that a massive amount of time was spent designing and producing these devices.

Obvious that a considerable amount of time was spent designing and producing these devices.

Obvious that not much time or thought was spent planning, designing and producing these devices.  The products may only meet part of the challenge.

Little or no time was spent in the development of the ideas. Designs are not successful in meeting the challenge.


Mechanical Design and Function of your Tools

Streamlined and extremely creative use of parts to create a remarkably functioning mechanisms following various scientific principles.

Appropriate and creative use of parts to create a reasonably functioning mechanisms.

Inefficient or standard use of parts to create  mechanisms that  function but with limitations.

Mechanisms do not function at all or function with major flaws in the mechanics. The device does not utilize any appropriate scientific principles.


Quality of General Construction of the Device

Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately with room for reasonable design modifications.

Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive and functioning product.

Construction followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive and functioning product. 

Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a functioning or attractive product.


Timeliness and overall effort

The project was completed early or on time, showing extraordinary effort.

The project was completed on time, showing a very reasonable amount of effort.

The project was completed on time, showing some flaws in effort of effort.

The project was not completed on time, the student did not use class time appropriately or put forth an adequate effort.


______       (Total = 25 points)

Egg Obstacle Course Challenge Planning Sheet – Think Like an Engineer

Group # ______  Name___________     Name___________          Name___________

You are challenged to …

Successfully, transport the egg though the obstacle course in the shortest 

amount of time using only the materials given without touching 

or dropping the egg. Groups will modify the materials to create tools to aid in this 


- Plastic Spoon

- 2- Regular Pencils (with no point)

- 3 – 16 inch Straws

- 2 – 5 x 8 index cards

-1 Paper Lunch Bag

- 1 Envelope

- 2 Paint Stir Sticks

- 2 Tongue Depressors

- 8 Craft Sticks  

- 2 Large Paper Clips

- 1 – 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper

1.       Tool to transport the egg across table 1: (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.







2.       Tool to transport the egg down to table 2: (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.







3.       Tool to move the egg through the tunnel without moving the tunnel:  (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.







4.       Tool to transport the egg down to table 3: (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.







5.       Tool to move the egg around the barrier blocks: (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.







6.       Tool to transport the egg to the stool so that it rests without movement: (Labeled drawing = 1.5 points, description = 1.5 points)









































Describe: the materials used, how it will function, 

and how it will be built.








Tool 1 information ___________ 3 points

Tool 2 information ___________ 3 points

Tool 3 information ___________ 3 points

Tool 4 information ___________ 3 points

Tool 5 information ___________ 3 points

Tool 6 information ___________ 3 points

Total ______________ / 18 points

Evaluation Criteria

 3  – Advanced / Exemplary – Meets or exceeds high expectations.

2.5  – Proficient – Approaches high expectations but fall slightly short. (above average)

2  - Basic - Minor flaws but still competent. (average)

1.5  – Basic - Serious flaws but still satisfactory.  (below average)

1  - Below Basic - Begins, but fails to complete successfully.

0  - Below Basic -  Fails to begin effectively.

Suggested Course Layout
5_V6O3xOU.jpgSuggested Course Layout

Suggested Course Layout

MATH Interface

Complete the following calculations using the data collected from your obstacle course run.


Egg Weight _______ in grams

Distance Traveled_______ in feet and inches

Time Traveled_______ in seconds


Weight _______ / 28.35 = _______ oz / 16 oz = _______ (Force)


Force _______ X Distance _______ = _______ ft-lbs (Work)


Horsepower = _____ Work ___________                          Horsepower = ________________ =    ______________

                                          Time x 550                                                                 _______ x 550


Knots = _ft___                x                _1 Nautical Mile_____                 x                   ___3600 sec___

               sec                                                6080 feet                                                      1 hour


Knots = _______ft          x              _1 Nautical Mile_____                  x                   ___3600 sec___    =    ______________

                            sec                                   6080 feet                                                      1 hour


MPH = _ft___                  x                 _1 Mile_____                  x                                  ___3600 sec___

               sec                                           5280 feet                                                             1 hour


MPH =   _ _____ft            x     _1 Mile_____                  x                                  ___3600 sec___ =       ______________

                            sec                    5280 feet                                                                1 hour

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