Hegazkinean, egoerak

About the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) Language Activity Repository

The activities provided by the Boise State World Languages Resource Center (WLRC) serve as foundational activities which can be adapted by any language and scaled up or down on the proficiency scale. 

This activity was created by upper-division language students working in the World Languages Resource Center at Boise State University. Our activities seek to help students solidify their interpersonal speaking and interpretive listening skills through task-based situations or communicative activities. We recommend using these activities to help reinforce the content students are learning, allowing the students time to feel comfortable using the unit’s vocabulary and grammar structures through application. Further, these activities should be facilitated in approximately 90% (or more) in the target language, per the recommendation of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Using the WLRC Repository’s Activities:

When you are ready to begin remixing the activity, in order to adapt it for your target language and audience, simply click the “Remix This Resource” button at the top of your screen. The text provided in purple is a suggestion of what you might say to your students and should be changed to the target language. 

Most activities contain a connected chapter, two to three “NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do” statements, a warm-up, main activity, and a wrap-up. In addition to the instructions, some activities may include a “cheat sheet” containing the target vocabulary and grammar structures emphasized in the activity. Though most of the lab materials are provided, a computer, projector, printer, and laminator may also be needed to fully utilize materials. 

Many of the activities include printable cards and other instructional materials. If you would like to adapt these materials for your language, please email WLRCLAR@gmail.comand we will provide you with an editable copy. For YouTube videos and other websites, hyperlinks are provided. 


- Boise State World Languages Resource Center 

Plane situations


Novice Mid, Lower Primary, Middle School, High School.

The students will try to resolve problems that they encounter while traveling. Students will work with partners. One student will be the customer and the other one a flight attendant or airline employee. Students will receive a situation card presenting an issue the customer is having and will need to come to a solution together.

Relevant Can-Do statements:
I can: 

I can ask about and identify familiar things in a picture,

I can describe my family, friends and others,

I can say what someone is like and what they look like.


The following materials are needed for this activity:

Laptop or iPad loaded with PPT presentation and a projector


Basque, euskera, description, hegazkin, egoerak, arazoak konpondu, bidai arazoak, eskaerak.

Relevant NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:

  • Relevant Can-Do statements:
  • I can overcome a complication
  • I can make a purchase
  • I can ask for help
  • - Relevant ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Standard 1.1

Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Materials Needed:


  1. Let’s  play a game, you will be the air attendant on a flight and you will explain to your students rules about the security in the plane:

  2. Arratsalde on/ egun on bidaiari agurgarriak. Eskerrak ematen dizkizugu WLRC hegazkin konpainia hau aukeratzeagatik eta  espero dugu bidaiaz asko disfrutatzea. Bidaia 9 ordukoa izango da.

    Segurtasun kontuengatik gogora ezazue zuen telefonoak itzalita edo “hegazkin moduan” egon behar dutela. Bestalde, Samsung Galaxy Note baldin badaukazue ezin izango duzue hegazkinera sartu… lehertu egiten dira eta.

    Mesedez, gorde zuen artikulu pertsonalak goian dauzkazuen konpartimentuetan, edo bestela aurrean dauzkazuen eserlekuen azpian.

  3. Gogoratu hegazkinean ezin dezakezuela erre eta aireratzeko momentuan zuen aurreko eserlekuen mahaitxoak behar bezala tolestuak eta zure segurtasun uhalak lotuak izan behar dituzuela.

Hurrengo galderak egin:

  1. Bidaia luze bat daukazunean, zure eskuko maletan zer duzu gustuko eramatea?

  2. Pasaportea daukazue jada?

  3. Zure alboan eserita dagoen pertsonak, zer egin dezake? Zer ezin du egin?
    (Adibidez: ezin du zurrunga egin, ezin du txarto usaintzen duen janaria jan...

  4. Zein motatako garraio bidea nahiago duzu bidai luze bat egiteko?

Bukatzeko galderak:

  • Zein izan da egoerarik zailena? Eta errazena?

  • Uste duzu beharrezkoa dela eskakizunak egiten jakitea?

  • Egoera antzekorik izan duzu?

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