How to Resolve Conflict Peacefully (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Unit 1
Part 1: Lesson Description
Part 2: Lesson
Part 3: Attribution Statements


The following lesson guide combines the use of instructional goals, instructional objectives, learning activities, evaluation techniques, and resources to serve as a reference for health education. The guide coincides with The National Health Education Standards (NHES). This project is meant to serve as a guideline for teachers interested in expanding psychological health curricula. It focuses on presenting different pictures of conflict and some strategies of responding to and handling conflict. This lesson will help to improve students' communication skills, listening skills, maintain healthy relationships, resolve conflicts peacefully, excel in school, and eventually get and keep jobs. Through this lesson, students will understand that conflicts can be de-escalated, resolved peacefully, and become an opportunity for personal growth based on the choices they make and the strategies they utilize to resolve conflicts.