Authentic-Like Interactive Materials

In order to create a personalized connection with Misaki's Journal, we created interactive, authentic-like materials that correspond to each journal entry. Some materials may be printed for each student, provided digitally for them to view or for the teacher to display. 

The materials for each journal are listed below. For explanations on the materials and how to use them in the classroom, please view the Teacher's Notebook located as a subfolder in the OER Japanese Grader Reader (Misaki's Journal).

Materials do not include the photographs provided at the end of each journal.

Journal Materials

Journal One

おみくじ, Yearly Fortune Misaki gets at Meiji-jingu

Download: おみくじ

Journal Two

ファッジ, Fudge recipe Misaki uses. Includes supplementary vocabulary on the backside.

Download: ファッジ

Journal Three

拓海の絵, Takumi's drawing of Misaki

Download: 拓海の絵

ディズニーバースデーシール, Disney Birthday Sticker for Misaki. Teacher may print all variations of the sticker or choose one type to hand out.

Download: ディズニーバースデーシール

Journal Four

ハリーポッタービデオ, Harry Potter Video. Teacher may show this video to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


餃子フェス, Gyoza Cafe. This is a link to the cafe's website that students may explore. Teacher may show this website to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


母の日カードテンプレ, Mother's Day Card template. Teacher may use these templates for an activity with this journal entry.

Download: 母の日カードテンプレ

Journal Five

ケーキハウス, Cake House menu.

Download: ケーキハウス

マーケティングで有名な大学, Top Universities for Marketing. This is a link to a website that ranks marketing universities in Japan that students may explore. Teacher may show this website to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


Journal Six

暑中見舞いカード, Summer greetings card written by Misaki's friend Chitose. Teacher may print all variations of the card or choose one type to hand out.

Download: 暑中見舞いカード

盆踊り踊り方, How to do the Bon Festival dance. Teacher may show this video to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


Journal Seven

七五三詣プラン, The Shichi-Go-San plan for Meiji-jingu. This is a link to a website that explains the plan for Shichi-Go-San at Meiji-jingu that students may explore. Teacher may show this website to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


Journal Eight

クリスマスプレーリスト, Christmas Playlist. Teacher may show this playlist to entire class or provide the link to students. If using the digital journal, the link is embed within the journal entry. Students may click on the link to access.


美咲の日記 2020, Misaki's 2020 Journal plus a thank you note from the creators.

Download: 美咲の日記 2020

Materials and resources created and compiled by Deana Nassans, Theadora Callahan, and Grace McGrorty
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