Nuclear Power Statistics Resource

Nuclear power is the process of splitting atoms, which releases a lot of energy, and then harnessing that energy. The first nuclear power plants were created and operating in the 1950’s, shortly after the discovery of the Atomic bomb and the power of nuclear energy. It was first discovered in the 1940’s.

-Over 50 countries utilise nuclear energy in about 225 research reactors. In addition to research, these reactors are used for the production of medical and industrial isotopes, as well as for training.

-Nuclear is the world's second largest source of low-carbon power (30% of the total in 2016).

The number of reactors worldwide increased at a linear rate from 1950 to 1990, and then leveled off.

Nuclear Energy Production

-Nuclear energy now provides about 11% of the world's electricity from about 450 power reactors.

World Electricity Production 2012 pie graph

-USA has the most operational Nuclear Power plants, with France close behind and then China. Nuclear Generation by Country 2013 bar graph

-Capacity for power plants have also dramatically increased over time, and many hold at 90% now as technology has improved.



1. IAEA Power Reactor Information Service (PRIS) [Back]

2. OECD International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2018 [Back]

3. OECD International Energy Agency Statistics [Back]

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