PFT Exercises Homework



RT 230 Clinical Medicine II

PFT Exercises Part III

Instructions: Complete all missing information by performing the necessary calculations.  Interpret each case, indicating the level of severity when appropriate, and if the obstruction is reversible.  

Case # 1

 A 58-year-old man presents with increasing dyspnea on exertion. He denies cough, fevers, hemoptysis, weight loss or sweats. He was previously an active runner but has had to cut back significantly because of his symptoms with exercise. He does note occasional chest pain with exercise, but has not had any syncope or palpitations. His pulmonary function tests are as follows:

Predicted ValuesPre% PredPost% Pred% Change
SVC (L)4.793.8180%3.9783%7.7%
FVC (L)4.79 3.38 71%3.50 73%3.6%
FEV1 (L)3.55 2.05 58%2.36 66%15%
FEV1/FVC (%)74%61%67%
RV (L)1.58 1.86 118%1.70108%
FEF25%-75% (L/sec)3.602.2563%3.5097%
TLC (L)7.33 8.26 113%8.03110%
DLCO (mL/min/mm Hg)23.259.9643%
DLCO/VA (mL/min/mm Hg/L)4.853.0262%

Decision — This person is:  

Case # 2

 A 72-year-old woman with complaints of a progressive platypnea of 5 on the Borg Scale.  She reports a dry cough but no wheezes, sputum production, fevers or hemoptysis.  She is a life-long non-smoker and worked as a lawyer until retiring 3 years ago. She likes to hunt and fish in her leisure time. Her pulmonary function testing is as follows:

Predicted ValuesPre% PredPost% Pred% Change
FVC (L)2.45 1.78 73%1.81 75%1.7%
FEV1 (L)1.90 0.91 48%0.96 51%5.5%
FEV1/FVC (%)78%51%53%
FEF25%-75% (L/sec)2.15 0.95 44%0.9846%
FRC (L)2.02 2.40 119%2.36 117%
MVV (L/min)89.50 35.04 39%

Decision — This person is:  


Case 1Reversible Mod obstruction with Mod diffusion defect
 Predicted ValuesPre% PredPost% Pred% Change
SVC (L)4.793.8180%3.9783%4.20%
FVC (L)4.793.3871%3.5073%3.55%
FEV1 (L)3.552.0558%2.3666%15.12%
FEV1/FVC (%)74%61% 67%  
RV (L)1.581.86118%1.70108% 
FEF25%-75% (L/sec)3.62.2563%3.5097% 
TLC (L)7.338.26113%8.03110% 
DLCO (mL/min/mm Hg)23.259.9643%   
DLCO/VA (mL/min/mm Hg/L)4.853.0262%   

Case 2Non-reversible Mod obstruction
 Predicted ValuesPre% PredPost% Pred% Change
FVC (L)2.451.7873%1.8174%1.69%
FEV1 (L)1.900.9148%0.9651%5.49%
FEV1/FVC (%)78%51% 53%  
FEF25%-75% (L/sec)2.150.9544%0.9846% 
FRC (L)2.022.40119%2.36117% 
MVV (L/min)89.5035.0439%   

"Pulmonary Function Testing Homework" by J. Roper, Skyline College is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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