OER Lesson for College Students

The instructional materials in this module -- which includes a lesson plan, related LibGuide, two options for a citing OER activity, and multimedia citation examples for both APA and MLA style -- were designed by an OER librarian to support a research assignment that required PowerPoint slides, openly licensed multimedia (images, videos, or sound effect clips), and APA style citations. Before the library instruction session, the instructor played or assigned videos, which are available on the student OER libguide's home page, so that students had some time to be exposed to OER vocabulary and concepts before the follow-up, 50-minute library instruction session. Students should be able to complete the accompanying activity worksheet (either option) in the 50-minute session, or it can be assigned for homework. The citation style used in the activity worksheets is APA, but it could be easily adapted to any citation style.

Lesson Plan

Activity Worksheets:

Supporting Materials:

Download: Quick_Guide_to_Copyright_OER_CC_Licenses_Lif4ioR.docx

  • APA References for Multimedia:

Download: APA_references_for_multimedia_Wim2nVs.docx

  • MLA Works Cited for Multimedia: 

Download: MLA_8_Multimedia_MFWupvl.docx

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